11th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church – Palmarianski Katolicki Kościół

11th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

In this eleventh report on the Palmarian website, we want to thank God and the Most Blessed Virgin Mary in a very special way for the great successes last month. In the month of October, there was an increase of more than 100% in visitors to our official website. Lately, the country that visits us the most is Argentina, finishing almost every day in the first place. Now Argentina is in fourth place overall, taking Germany’s place. Mexico continues to increase its presence on our page taking sixth place. One of the countries that visits us the most now is Nigeria, which is already in ninth place and it seems that it will not take long to climb the rankings. Kenya is also gaining ground and is the second country with most Palmarians in Africa.

Cameroon, Uganda and Tanzania have also improved greatly, increasing the list of visitors very quickly. There are only three countries or regions in the world that have not visited our website – the Falkland Islands, North Korea and Svalbard.

Here is a list of the thirty main countries that visit our website the most:

4.Argentina14.Canada24.Congo –Kinshasa
5.Germany15.The Philippines25.Australia
6.Mexico16.Austria26.The Netherlands
7.Great Britain17.Switzerland27.The Ivory Coast

Those who have subscribed to the website will receive notifications of new publications with certain frequency. We have just published the tenth letter of the Holy Father on the Priestly life. The main reason for publishing this important letter is for the keen interest of several people in joining the Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face, particularly the male branch.

Our audience on YouTube also increased considerably in October. More people watched our beautiful videos this month than in all the previous eight months together. The Palmarian Catholic Action has planned a massive apostolate so that the videos reach the countries more easily as soon as possible.

A brief comment about the reporters who have tried to deceive us. Palmarian missionaries who serve people interested in knowing the True Church, through their Priestly life, have the assistance and inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Those who try to ridicule the Palmarian Church will always end up losing. A reporter who made a video about the Palmarian Church wanted to make it look bad, but at the same time also helped it by announcing something very important. As the missionary suspected he might be talking to a reporter, he told him wisely that the Palmarian Church is wonderful. The reporter posted this in the video saying that the priest had said that „the Palmarian Church is wonderful.” By saying this, the reporter became an apostle of the Palmarian Church. We thank you very much for publishing this truth. The same reporter said he infiltrated El Palmar, but what he really did was visit El Palmar in the same way as anyone else can make a visit. He used the word „infiltrate” to seem important and to encourage people to watch his videos. And for the greater benefit of the true Church of Christ, he said he was sorry that there were so many good people in the Palmarian Church. Another proof that the Palmarian Church is good and that it is the work of God because its members are good. It is not possible that a bad Church can have such good faithful. Again, we thank this reporter for the truths he declared.

For next year, the forecast of visitors to our website will be between half a million and one million people. Of these people, a small percentage, God willing, will be converted to the Holy Palmarian Church. The Palmarian Church is for pious people, for people who want to live in union with Jesus and Mary. While our rules may be difficult at the beginning for someone who wants to enter the True Church, that cross will be made light by feeling the joy of living in God’s Grace. The happiness of being in the State of Grace is priceless. What the Church can offer to souls desiring to sanctify themselves is the Mystical Betrothal with Christ and Mary. The Mystical Betrothal with Christ and Mary is a union with Them that is achieved through the Sanctifying Grace received at Baptism.

In 1982, Pope St. Gregory XVII withdrew the power to administer the Sacraments from priests outside the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church. Therefore, all baptisms made outside the Palmarian Church after this date are invalid. All priestly ordinations made after 1982 outside the Palmarian Church are also invalid. Therefore, when you go to your churches to attend Mass and receive Holy Communion, you are not receiving anything. There is no Mass because those who act as priests are not, since, either they are not validly ordained, or if they were ordained before the year 1982, their powers were withdrawn because they were outside the True Church. The bread they give at the time of communion is not the Body of Christ because it is not validly consecrated. There are many reasons to enter the Palmarian Church and thereby truly and validly receive the Holy Sacraments. It is of utmost importance to explain that, upon entering the Palmarian Catholic Church and receiving the Holy Sacrament of Baptism, one receives the forgiveness of all sins and the total remission of the temporal punishment due for these sins. That is, if a person enters the Palmarian Church and receives the Holy Sacrament of Baptism, he is already in a position to go directly to Heaven. If he died immediately after being baptized, he would go directly to Heaven without going through purgatory.

The Holy Father has written a very interesting letter about Purgatory, which is very important to read carefully and attentively and is published on this web page in the section regarding His Holiness Pope Peter III, happily reigning. Many do not want to believe in purgatory, but they, for not wanting to believe, will be the ones who will be there for a long time. That is of course, if they want to be saved. Purgatory exists, hell exists. That is traditional Catholic doctrine, lest by wrong teachings you lose the awareness of these truths.

What a great grace it would be to be the first member of the true Church of Christ in a country! There are quite a few people interested in places where nobody else is interested, or in places where there are currently no Palmarians. Although nobody else is interested, you can be the first Palmarian in your country. That would be a great privilege. There are several people who are reading these reports that live in countries where there are no Palmarians.

Each of you, privileged souls, has the obligation to correspond to this call of Christ and Mary and be the first in your country, the first to receive in the soul the presence of Christ and Mary through the Holy Sacrament of Baptism. A baptized soul is a bearer of glory and a member of the Mystical Body of Christ. We must value this call that God is making to you and find a way to enter His Holy Church.

We have opened a Twitter account in English. The Church’s account on Instagram already comes in Spanish, English and German. We are continuously placing short videos and photographs for the users of these social networks. We do not mean by this that we are encouraging people to use social networks, but, if they already use them, let them see the good things we publish as well. Likewise, with Pinterest. We have a lot of very beautiful photographs already published there.

The Queen of Heaven, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, receives the highest possible veneration from the Holy Palmarian Church. Our love for Her surpasses the love she has received at any other time in the history of the Church, especially as in the Holy Palmarian Councils, beautiful Marian dogmas were defined. There are those who criticize the money we spend on the Divine Worship, but for our Heavenly Queen, everything we spend is little. We will continue to do what would most please the Mother of God. Our generosity has no limits in serving her as slaves in this life for eternal reward. Already in the Palmarian Church, we enjoy in our hearts a continuous shower of blessings that She pours over us. We hope that others may also possess this same bliss. That is why we work intensely to spread this particular devotion that She now desires, which is under the title of Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar.

In social networks, some say we want to trick people. This is not true. We want to share with people of good will, the knowledge of the rich doctrine that sprang from the Holy Palmarian Councils on the Holy Trinity, about the importance of moving away from everything that offends God without human respect. God created man with free will, but many, instead of loving God, love what offends him. We demand the standard of Christian dress in the Palmarian Church and many make fun of this. They will make fun, but they will not share the inner peace and happiness that those who endure these sacrifices for the love of God enjoy.

We thank all those people who encourage us to continue with the series of videos of the Palmarian Missions around the World. The first part of the series – African Palmarian Missions – is already published on YouTube.