21. Raport na Stronie Internetowej Świętego Kościoła Palmariańskiego

Po raz kolejny przedstawiamy dobrą nowinę o apostolacie Świętego Kościoła Palmariańskiego. W sierpniu tego roku poczyniono wielkie wysiłki, aby szerzyć nabożeństwo do Świętego Oblicza Jezusa. Udało nam się dotrzeć do odległych miejsc na świecie i przenieść na krańce ziemi wiedzę o Katolickim Kościele Palmariańskim dzięki przepięknemu wideo o Świętym Obliczu. Przedstawione w dziesięciu różnych językach najświętsze i najpiękniejsze Oblicze Naszego Pana Jezusa Chrystusa poruszyło serca wielu, pobudzając ich do kochania go bardziej i zachęcając do zbliżenia się do Jego Prawdziwego Kościoła, który jest niewielki w rozmierze, ale wielki pod względem cnót. Zapraszamy wszystkich do wejścia do tego małego raju, jakim jest Kościół Chrystusowy, którego siedziba znajduje się w Świętym Miejscu Objawień w El Palmar de Troya. Poprzez Święte Oblicze Jezusa rzuciliśmy koło ratunkowe, aby ludzie dobrej wiary i pokory mogli…
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17th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

The Great Fisher of Souls, His Holiness Pope Peter III, continues to encourage Palmarian Catholic Action to continue this important apostolate. Launched 17 months ago, this website was created as an instrument to teach the True Catholic Faith to many people throughout the world. Before this Palmarian website existed, everything that was said about the Holy Palmarian Church on the Internet was negative and slanderous. Now, the percentage of good posts increases more and more, with great fruits. Also, a considerable increase in malicious publications has been noticed, but many people are already realizing that there is a network of lies against the Church. The Palmarian Church is very specially protected by the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph. As Christ is the very Truth and the Palmarian Church is…
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16th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Time is passing since we launched this website and we increasingly see how the Holy Ghost is bringing the light of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church to the different countries scattered throughout the world. First of all, we are pleased that the number of visitors to our website increased by twelve percent in March 2020 compared to February this year. The number of visitors who continue to enter from Spain, Brazil and Argentina is noteworthy. At the moment, Argentina is in first place, Spain is in second place and Brazil is in third. It is curious that visitors from Spain spend considerably more time looking at documents than visitors from Argentina and Brazil. Lately, in Peru, there has been a lot of interest in finding out about…
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15th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Once again, we will provide the latest news from the official Palmarian website: direct Inspiration from the Holy Ghost to spread the True Faith of Christ to the whole world. We are very satisfied with the number of people who have visited us this month and there is no doubt that our apostolate will result in millions of visits in the not too distant future. There are some countries that visit us more than others, but we hope to remedy this situation by studying new ways of carrying out the apostolate. Despite the bad publicity that exists against the Palmarian Church, we hope to overcome it with the help of God, preferring to have contact with people docile to Christ and Mary.Lately, a good number of Spaniards have visited our…
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14th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Now that we are in the fourteenth month of the reports, the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church has achieved one of its most important objectives, which is to offer an alternative among the multitude of false religions that exist throughout the world. Although we encounter many difficulties along this path, the fire of the Holy Ghost continues to push Palmarian Catholic Action to teach humanity where the True Church of Christ and His legitimate Vicar, His Holiness Pope Peter III, can be found. The Holy Ghost guides His Church to continue safe and sound, even in the midst of the greatest difficulties, as with the crossing of the Israelites over the Red Sea when the waters divided. Well, this will happen with the Palmarian Catholic Church. She will…
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13th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

In this thirteenth report on the Palmarian website, we want to thank God, the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph for having attracted so many people through this website to the light of the True Church. It is clear that interest in the Palmarian Church is gaining strength. With our apostolate, a light has appeared within the darkness that currently reigns in the world. Soon you will see how the Palmarian apostolate will become a burning fire of Faith, Hope and Charity, embracing the nations, bringing many souls to the feet of the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Many already recognize that the path to God is through the Holy Palmarian Catholic Church. We are witnessing with optimism the triumph of the Holy Palmarian Church under the effective guidance of the Vicar…
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