Ninth Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Our Lord Jesus Christ in his admirable protection over His Church, One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian, never tires of producing great surprises to help His Church in its ceaseless apostolic work. What seems impossible becomes possible when He intervenes with His Divine Power. The extension of the Palmarian apostolate through our website is almost universal. There are 209 countries or territories that have visited us. Even the smallest and most remote islands on the planet have already visited our website. Though the number of people who visit the website are few in some countries, all the same, the True Church, One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian is getting to be known. There are only a few places that have not yet seen it and we hope everyone will discover…
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Eighth Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

We have to thank God and His Blessed Mother for the continuous success of our website around the world. There are already more than one hundred and seventy countries that have had the joy of knowing the True Church of Christ. This form of apostolate entails two inevitable consequences: on the positive side, it is wonderful to be able to inform the public of the authentic Catholic Faith and extend the Word of God to places where it could not reach by any other means, giving everyone the opportunity to get to know the Palmarian Church with enough information, photographs and videos. The negative side is that we know that there is much propaganda on the Internet that can harm the soul if one is not very careful. However, as…
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Seventh Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

We again thank God and the Blessed Virgin Mary for the continued success of our Web Page. More than one hundred and sixty countries have discovered the treasure of the Palmarian Catholic Church by way of this Web Page. Heaven exists, and in Heaven Jesus reigns. Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven by virtue of His Glorious Body, and at His side is the Most Holy Virgin Mary, who was assumed into Heaven, and Crowned Queen of all Creation by the Most Blessed Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Taking into account that Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Virgin are Heavenly Monarchs who govern the whole of Creation, it is natural to think that They ardently desire that human beings have a guide to help them save their souls and…
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6th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Thanks be to God and the Blessed Virgin Mary more than one hundred and fifty countries have visited our website. We have fewer countries left to conquer to complete one of our first goals on our website: to bring knowledge of the True Church to all the countries of the world. The Palmarian Doctrine is clear and beautiful. Thanks to the Palmarian doctrine presented on our website, souls can come to understand that the Palmarian Catholic Church is the True Church of Christ. It is not our concern that the Palmarian doctrine be rejected or that they make fun of it! We offer the truth with perfect clarity. Whoever accepts it will be blessed by God, by Mary Most Holy and by Heaven. Anyone who rejects the Palmarian Doctrine can…
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5th Report on the website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Thanks be to God and the Blessed Virgin Mary there are now more than one hundred and thirty five countries who have visited our website. We hope that the countries that have not yet visited will soon discover the Spiritual Treasure that is the Palmarian Catholic Church. In the last month the number of visitors from France has been significant, and they have now overtaken Canada in the list of the countries that visit us most, taking seventh place. So far the countries that have visited us most in a single day are Spain with 425 people, USA with 229, Brazil with 69, UK with 51 and Ireland with 39. Thanks be to God we now have the website translated into Polish. We have received a good number of visitors…
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4th Report of the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

The countries that most visit our website continue to be mainly Spain, the United States and Brazil. Spain regains first place before the United States. Thank God and the Blessed Virgin Mary, there are more than one hundred and twenty countries that have visited our website. We hope that the countries that have not yet visited it, will soon do so and have this blessing to know the Palmarian Church. The fact that in the third report it emerged that the United States achieved the number one position in visits to our website, was that an American website did a report on the Palmarian Church. The article began with an offensive title to the Vicar of Christ, His Holiness Pope Peter III. But, wisely, God brings good from evil. Many,…
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Happy Outcome of Palmarian Holy Week 2019!

20th of March – 27th of March Once again the Infinite Mercy and Divine Providence were felt during the Joyful Palmarian Holy Week 2019. It seemed that Our Lord diverted the rains from these lands at the confident plea of his Vicar, His Holiness Pope Peter III. What better proof of his love for his Children! We must once again thank Our Lord and His Most Blessed Mother for the great outcome of the Divine Worship performed in Their honor and glory. When we pray in a confident and humble way, we receive from God countless graces. Veneration of the Sacred Image of Our Crowned Mother of Palmar On the 30th of March took place the ceremony of the kissing of the Sacred Image of Our Crowned Mother of Palmar.…
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The Palmarian Holy Week 2019 has begun!

The Palmarian Holy Week begins annually on March 20th and finishes March 27th. Every evening the Solemn Procession starts at 9pm; the doors of the Cathedral open and the marching band gives homage to the Holy Images. You will find here the true Church of Christ, the Palmarian Church; teaching, exalting and preaching about the Holy Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ as well as the Spiritual Passion of his Most Holy Mother, the Divine Virgin Mary. The Most Holy Mother spiritually shared all the suffering that our Redeemer suffered physically, even the sweating of blood, only that no one saw it.
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Trzeci raport o stronie internetowej Kościoła Palmariańskiego

Kraje, które najczęściej odwiedzają naszą stronę to USA, Hiszpania i Brazylia. Hiszpania przekazała pierwsze miejsce Stanom Zjednoczonym. Dziękujemy Bogu i Jego Najświętszej Dziewicy Matce, że jak dotąd naszą stronę internetową odwiedzili mieszkańcy ponad stu krajów na całym świecie; pisząc to jednak zastrzegamy, że nie wszystkie wizyty były tak liczne, jak w przypadku ścisłej czołówki. Kraje, które odwiedziły naszą stronę najmniej to Indonezja, Izrael, Rumunia i Chiny, ale mimo tych kilku wizyt jesteśmy zadowoleni, bo jest to dopiero początek naszej działalności w Internecie. Coraz większe zainteresowanie Kościołem Palmariańskim w sieci wykazują mieszkańcy Niemiec. Miłym faktem jest to, że wzrosło zainteresowanie naszą stroną internetową ze strony Włochów. Mimo że Włochy wciąż znajdują się na dziewiątym miejscu, znacznie zmniejszyły różnicę w stosunku do Francji, która utrzymuje się na ósmym miejscu. Kraje Miasta 1.…
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Second Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

The palmarian apostolate is spreading throughout the world. This is evident not only by the number of people who have visited our website, but by the more than 80 countries that have seen our web pages around the world. Distant countries and of diverse cultures. Some with very little or no Catholic tradition throughout the history of the Church. A new breath of the Holy Ghost travels the world to call those who wish to know the location of the True Church in order to be part of the Mystical Body of Christ. The countries that visit us the most are Spain, followed by the United States. Approaching closer every day is Brazil. Fourth, comes Ireland and fifth Canada. The city that most visits us is Seville and outside of…
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