We have to thank God and His Blessed Mother for the continuous success of our website around the world. There are already more than one hundred and seventy countries that have had the joy of knowing the True Church of Christ. This form of apostolate entails two inevitable consequences: on the positive side, it is wonderful to be able to inform the public of the authentic Catholic Faith and extend the Word of God to places where it could not reach by any other means, giving everyone the opportunity to get to know the Palmarian Church with enough information, photographs and videos. The negative side is that we know that there is much propaganda on the Internet that can harm the soul if one is not very careful.
However, as the positive part is so helpful, it is worth bearing with all the negative. Moved by the Holy Ghost, the Palmarian Apostolate is progressing effectively. Lately, countries such as Poland, the Philippines, Argentina, Colombia and Portugal are becoming increasingly interested. Germany already reaches third or fourth place almost every day on the list of visitors. China continues to surprise us with the moderate interest it shows.
Given that the True Church is the Spouse of Christ, will perhaps his Church always be so reduced in number? The Church that He founded and commanded to be spread throughout the earth? The clearest sign of the near triumph of the Church of Christ is when it appears that it will disappear before the human eye. On Calvary the enemies of Christ believed that they had achieved a great victory. Christ dead on the cross. The end of Christ would mean the end of his Apostles and disciples. But they did not take into account that Christ was going to rise. And when He rose again on the third day, He resurrected His Church with Him. From that moment on the Church began to triumph and shortly after to spread throughout the world.
Now the disciples of Christ, who are the members of the Palmarian Church, work intensely to keep the Church floating on the waters. Jesus promised Peter the supreme Primate of the Church and the power of the keys with these words: „And I say to you that you are Peter, and upon this Rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against Her.” Later, with the coming of the Holy Ghost upon the Apostolic College, the Apostles received very important gifts so they could evangelize the world. „The multitude was astonished because they saw a Tongue of Fire upon the head of each and heard them speak in different languages; for the Apostles spoke in Aramaic; and miraculously those who did not know this language understood them in the language of their own lands. But what caused the deepest impression on that multitude was the supernatural wisdom flowing from the lips of the Apostles.„
Our Lord Jesus Christ has promised the Palmarian Apostles extraordinary help for the apostolate in these times of general apostasy. On February 3, 1977, in the Mother House in Seville, the Lord appeared to the Bishop Primate Father Ferdinand, and gave him the following Message:
„My dear son: Here is your Redeemer, your Master who continually teaches you. I am subjecting you to a period of trials, to give you practice for great undertakings in the future. And besides, so that you prepare for the Coming of the Holy Ghost.„
The Palmarian Catholic Church awaits a Second Pentecost, it will be at that moment when many of its members will be Confirmed in Grace, that is, they will receive the grace of not being able to offend God anymore. Apart from this they will receive the extraordinary help of the Holy Ghost to Evangelize many people.
July 20th was a record day for the number of visitors to our website: 911 people. It is clear to us that for these people to convert to the True Church of Christ, many miracles will be needed. It is easier to convert a pagan than a relaxed Catholic who has become cold in the practice of his religion and seeks comfort rather than sacrifice.
We hope that those who have received the light of believing in the Palmarian Catholic Church have the intelligence of not browsing and reading the lies that sensationalists publish to harm the Palmarian Church.
Those who wish to be religious members of our Order must follow these steps:
1) Pray the Holy Penitential Rosary every day without exception.
2) Dress according to the standards of Christian decency, clearly explained on our website.
3) Destroy all books, magazines, etc., that are infested with immorality and contrary to the Palmarian Catholic Doctrine.
4) In general, reform the home to be authentically Christian.
If no effort is made to follow these points, it will not be possible to carry the cross of the priesthood, which is a large cross to carry while at the same time it is soft and light if accepted with humility and mortification of oneself. „Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will relieve you. Take My yoke upon you and learn from me, who am meek and humble of heart, and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is sweet and My burden light.„