Saint Alfred Ottaviani
Bishop. Doctor. Abducted by the vatican judeo-masonic grand lodge. Fiery Column of Catholic Orthodoxy and Protector of the Holy Palmarian See.
Born in Rome, Italy, on the 29th of October 1890.
Cardinal Saint Alfred Ottaviani was always by the side of Pope Saint Paul VI, the Martyr of the Vatican. He was the great defender of Catholic Orthodoxy and Holy Tradition, vigorously combating the heretical plans of the judeo-masonic vatican lodge, to which cardinals, bishops, priests, and others belonged, who were Saint Paul VI’s executioners. Among those freemasons stood out cardinals Jean Villot, John Benelli, Sebastian Baggi, Poletti and Casaroli. These perverse men forged the signature of the Sovereign Pontiff and issued falsified documents. The freemasons and other heretics infiltrated into the roman curia were so bold as to reach the point of destroying the true Mass, altering it and replacing it by the heretical “novus ordo” mass, concocted by the great freemason, traitor archbishop Bugnini. Saint Alfred Ottaviani opposed the heretical mass, and continued to celebrate the Holy Traditional Mass.
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The young Clemente Domínguez y Gómez, today Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, had interviews with the highest dignitaries of the Roman Church, in their majority by then vitiated, in Spain and many other European and American nations. Before many of those prelates, in the face of their obstinate reactions, he stood up for the rights of God and the Church as ordered him by the Lord and the Virgin Mary. On several occasions he visited Cardinal Saint Alfred Ottaviani in his Rome residence, so that he might present Messages related to the Church and his Pontificate to Pope Saint Paul VI. In some of the Messages names and indications of cardinal and bishop traitors were given. Saint Alfred Ottaviani always received the seer Clemente Domínguez of El Palmar de Troya, Seville, Spain, with great cordiality, and showed the greatest interest in the Heavenly Messages he received. The saintly Cardinal Ottaviani served as a go-between to reach the Vicar of Christ. In Saint Alfred Ottaviani’s face was reflected the severity and intransigence of one who did not waver, and the sweetness of one who loves and suffers in silence. This saintly Cardinal never yielded in the face of progressivism, nor did he accept antipopes John Paul I and John Paul II at any time. Saint Alfred Ottaviani died on the 3rd of August 1979. Canonized and declared Doctor of the Church by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great on the 3rd of April 2003.
Saint Cediel Mary of the Holy Face and of Our Crowned Mother of Palmar
Marian Apostle. Bishop. Religioso of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face in Company of Jesus and Mary. Doctor. Victim Soul. Apostle of the Holy Sacrifice of Mass.
Called Frederick Ferdinand Narro Siller in the world, he was born in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico, on the 30th of May 1912. When five years of age, he went to boarding school with the Congregation of the Christian School Brothers (La Salle) as a pupil and, when still young, entered as a Religioso in that Congregation, where he remained for some fifty years.
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When he learnt that the true Church and the true Pope were in El Palmar de Troya, he abandoned his Congregation, by then relaxed and apostate, and came to Seville. On the 20th of August 1980, he entered the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, founded by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great. On the 8th of February 1982, he took his perpetual vows, and was ordained Priest and then consecrated Bishop by the Palmarian Supreme Pontiff. A few months before his death, Saint Cediel Mary revealed his burning desire to communicate to all the members of his former La Salle Congregation that the true Church is the Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian, ruled by the true Pope, Gregory XVII, and, furthermore, that he wished to fulfil this important mission urgently, as he felt inwardly that death was close. To do so, he prepared a document, translated into several languages, which he sent to the superiors of many La Salle houses, as well as to other former brothers of that Order and to friends. His desire was for them all to join the true Church and the true Pope. Shortly after sending out this Palmarian propaganda, Saint Cediel Mary died in Seville, in the Mother House of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, on the 5th of November 1983, at the age of seventy-one years, while celebrating Holy Mass, after leaving abundant proof of his heroic virtues. A large number of copies of his hand-written letters as from his entry into the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face are preserved; they are a veritable treasure of spirituality and apostolate. Here is a fragment of one of them, addressed to the brother visitor of a house of his former La Salle Congregation in Mexico City, a letter in which Saint Cediel Mary reveals his unwavering determination to be a Religioso of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face in El Palmar: “Brother Visitor, I am finally accomplishing the fulfilment of my La Salle vocation. Pope Gregory XVII, with See in El Palmar de Troya, translated here at the Lord’s express command, wanted me to enter the Carmelites of the Holy Face. As he is the foremost authority in this Institute, to whom we owe obedience, I did not hesitate for a moment. You know me, so that I will not be causing you much surprise. It is not the loss of a vocation, rather its true fulfilment by the Grace of God. Regarding the things I have left behind, in practice I abandon them all… Greetings to all the brothers and please pray to God for me, in this final stage of my life. Thanks. Brother Frederick Narro”. This letter was written by Saint Cediel Mary on the 21st of August 1980, the day after entering the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, in Seville. Some of his thoughts, taken from his spiritual notebook: “In this love of Jesus in Mary, I must love my vocation, have a just and complete sense of my vocation. My vocation is not something for me, but for Him, and for Him by giving myself completely to Mary. Jesus, Mary and I: together we construct my vocation. Once my vocation has been defined, I keep on with Them all my life. If my vocation is to accompany Jesus and Mary, conversation with Them is very important. Herein resides fidelity to my vocation, fidelity at every instant, in every detail, in order to persevere until the end. I ought to love my vocation in Jesus and in Mary, because They called me. My vocation ought to come to fruition, because I wish to follow Christ. To follow Christ, I must accept Him exactly as He is. In Him, with Him, through Him and for Him, I must overcome. Always ready to combat my vocation’s enemy, who never rests. Vocation implies conversion. My vocation of Carmelite of the Holy Face entails surrendering myself completely to Mary, so as, with Her and in Her, to make reparation for the world’s outrages to the Holy Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ… Christ wants to keep on saving souls through Mary, which is why He has called me”. The day after his death, he was buried in the San Fernando cemetery, Seville, Spain. Translated to the crypt of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar on the 2nd of May 1989. Canonized by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great on the 10th of November 1983. Declared Doctor of the Church by the same Pope on the 9th of March 1999. Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, before proceeding to canonize Saint Cediel Mary, from the Main Altar of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar, pronounced some profound and edifying words on the great virtues of the new Saint, from which we extract the following paragraphs: “As you are aware, Venerable Father Cediel Mary has died. You are aware that his death took place last Saturday, that is, on the 5th of this month, and that he died in an act of service to God and the Church. He died celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of Mass. Where better for a minister of the Lord to die than celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of Mass! On Saturday morning, in the course of his third Mass, after receiving Communion with the Most Holy Body of Christ under the species of bread, and before consuming the Most Precious Blood of the Lord, he died while genuflecting in preparation for consuming the Most Precious Blood of Christ. But he had already successively celebrated two Masses, besides this third one, incomplete, which another Father completed. Each of the deaths of our Religiosos and Religiosas has been beautiful, sublime, and full of peace. However, the Lord wished to lavish, wished to lavish this predilection in an extraordinary and surpassing way by preparing a death for Venerable Father Cediel Mary in the act of service at the Altar. What a sublime death, what a beautiful death, how well assisted by the Lord! There, at the Altar, celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of Mass, there, making reparation to the Eternal Father and redeeming men, this minister of the Lord dies. What a sign, what a beautiful mark of complete identification with Christ, to die sacrificing, and sacrificing himself, showing himself to be sacrificer and victim at the same time! O Lord! So many marvels! We are thunderstruck, we are ecstatic, Lord, at the immensity of Your love for the Carmelites of the Holy Face, but yet more thunderstruck at the death of Venerable Father Cediel Mary, because You gave him the very best, You gave him the Grace of Graces: to die sacrificing at the Altar, immolating You, immolating Mary, immolating himself, immolating the Church; and, to give further force to this truth, visibly immolating himself, since he died in that most holy act of serving God and the Church. Blessed death, that of Venerable Father Cediel Mary! Beautiful death! This is a great proof of the life of this man, a great proof of his sanctity; a tangible proof of the Lord’s love for him, a tangible proof of his response to the Lord; though you, beloved Religiosos, have perhaps each sometimes noticed eccentricities in him, of course you have, many other Saints had eccentricities. If we look at the lives of the Saints over twenty centuries, we would stumble over so many eccentricities in such sublime Saints that we would all be amazed. What you must look at is the commitment, what you must look at is the way this Priest of the Lord never left off celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of Mass. He truly loved the Altar and We have sure proof of this: Venerable Father Cediel Mary was delirious about the Altar, but truly delirious about the Altar! We authorized him some time ago, when he was still quite unwell owing to his ailments and complaints, We authorized him to say some Masses in his cell. And he yearned, he yearned, he yearned to celebrate; and each time he asked for the privilege of being able to celebrate one more Mass, one more Mass. He knew, he sensed, he already hoped beforehand, a long time beforehand, he sensed that he was going to die at the Altar. He even said to some Fathers in the community that he would die at the Altar. He sensed it; the Lord let him become aware of it, because his love for the Altar was so great, his love for the Sacrifice of Mass, that he would receive the Grace of dying at the Altar: the most beautiful death for a minister of the Lord, for a sacrificer, for a living Christ, as is a Priest of the Lord, a living Christ, Christ acting at the Altar; Christ who acts through His minister the Priest; Christ was visibly immolated there, since His minister died in that sacrificing act. And, how beautiful! Venerable Father Cediel Mary’s death, when, at that genuflection, he found himself in the very presence of the Most Holy Trinity; he encountered the Virgin Mary… He encountered Most Holy Joseph and, naturally, Saint Teresa, our Mother and Reformatrix; and, quickly, without any delay, Saint Pio of Pietrelcina went out to meet him, took him by the hand and ushered him to a good spot, to contemplate all that heavenly beauty, for eternity of eternities, before a changeless Altar, before an immovable Altar: the Heavenly Altar. Now, dearly beloved children, Priests of the Lord, Bishops, consider, we have another intercessor in Heaven, Venerable Father Cediel Mary, and he is going to intercede especially to give you strength when you celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of Mass, if you invoke him. Invoke Venerable Father Cediel Mary when, at the Altar, you feel weary, lukewarm, discouraged, desolate. Invoke him and reflect on his example: he died celebrating Mass. You cannot do better than die celebrating Mass, if the Lord so wills; and how great that is! If the soul is prepared, if the soul is pure, if the soul is clean, if the soul is truly espoused to its Lord and God, and to its Mother the Most Holy Virgin, if the soul is filled with the Most Holy Trinity and the Priest is celebrating and comes up to judgement there at the Altar, O Lord! The angelic choirs, their trumpets announcing the Judgement; O Lord! A minister of the Lord who dies at the Altar, who dies genuflecting and then finds himself before God’s judgement, judgement without appeal or subornation. Look, how very great a Grace for Venerable Father Cediel Mary! He came from the Order of the Brothers of Christian Doctrine, those of La Salle, where there are no Priests, only brothers; and he had felt a great inner yearning for many years — so he confessed to Us in private — an inner yearning to become a Priest one day. But he did not see how, in what way that would come about, because to become a Priest in that Order meant being outside of it, leaving it. He loved the Order he belonged to, when the Order was going well years before; but he hoped that, in some way, he knew not how, he would become a Priest one day. When the Work of El Palmar came into his hands, there he saw that possibility and, though old by then, elderly by then, aware that he would be unable to do much by then, he wanted at least to obtain the Grace of dying a Priest. And not only a Priest, not only a Presbyter, rather he died a Bishop, a Prince of the Church; and, furthermore, celebrating Mass, which he had longed for so much since childhood; because he frequently spoke with us in the corridors of our monastery. When We were walking along them saying Our Rosary, as so often, and came across him, he would reverently approach, generally for spiritual matters; and he tried to be brief so as not to weary Us; but he always mentioned some very important things which We have not spoken of, but kept to Ourself, and which are becoming known, and perhaps more things that We know may come to be known. Did this venerable Father, Father Cediel Mary, have eccentricities? Yes, of course he did; outward ones, yes, of course; but what We can assure you is that his soul was becoming more and more and more perfect every day, without others realizing. Yet, the Common Father of you all, the Vicar of Christ, was observing him as he observes each of you. By the Lord’s infinite mercy, We know many things about each of you. We also sense the great sanctity of many of you, to which you will attain if you persevere until the end; it will be, if you persevere, a chain of Saints, both among Religiosos and among Religiosas, and also among the faithful, among lay people, if we all persevere. And now, after having sung the excellences of Venerable Father Cediel Mary, after having portrayed in the measure of Our possibilities, with Our clumsy pen, with Our clumsy brush, after having portrayed these virtues, after having portrayed the sublime death of Venerable Father Cediel Mary, it now only rests that, without further ado, We include him in the list of the Saints of the Holy Church of God”. (Forthwith he was canonized.)
Święty Daniel Maria od Świętej Twarzy i Dzieciątka Jezus
Apostoł Mariański. Biskup. Religijny Zakonu Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy w Towarzystwie Jezusa i Marii. Doktor. Dusza Ofiarna. Apostoł Wiecznego Ojca.
Zwany w świecie Józef Maria Izydor Pasquier urodził się w l.e Paquier-Friburg, Szwajcaria dnia 9 czerwca 1903, będąc ochrzczony tego samego dnia. Jego rodzice, bardzo pobożni, przede wszystkim jego matka, nazywali się Augustyn Pasquier i Maria Bussard, z którego małżeństwa urodziło się dwanaścioro dzieci. Święty Daniel Maria pobierał pierwsze nauki w rodzinnym mieście, a średnie w Bulle. W wieku siedemnastu lat wstąpił do kolegium Świętego Michała we Friburgu. a w wieku dwudziestu czterech lat, wstąpił do opactwa Świętego Maurycego, w Valais, Szwajcaria, i tam studiował Teologię będąc wyświęcony Kapłanem dnia 14 kwietnia 1929.
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Podczas swego pobytu w opactwie realizował różne doświadczenia nabywając patent wynalazku o śmigle samolotu, osiągając znaczną redukcję hałasu i wibracji, celem użycia energii tak oszczędzonej na utrzymanie samolotu w powietrzu. Od roku 1930 do roku 1935, pop studiach angielskiego w Anglii, był misjonarzem w Indiach angielskich, gdzie nauczał w Kolegium Świętego Józefa w Bengalore. Po swym powrocie do Szwajcarii, był tak zmęczony, że ledwie mógł pracować, a jego przełożeni posłali go wtedy na Zastępcę do parafii Vollges, na Nizinie Bagnes, gdzie rychło zdobył serca parafian; gdyż Święty Daniel Maria miał sekret dojścia do serca i natchnąć, nawet najbardziej słabych, do pragnienia pracować w służbie Pana. Później był profesorem w instytucie i Kapelanem w różnych sanatoriach gruźliczych. Potem, z powodu pewnych zmian w reżymie życia Kanoników Regularnych Świętego Augustyna opactwa Świętego Maurycego, z konsekwentnym rozluźnieniem obyczajów. Święty Daniel prosił swych przełożonych o zwolnienie z obowiązków w rzeczonym opactwie; i bez przestania być Kanonikiem Regularnym Świętego Augustyna, objął parafię w Lessoc, małej wiosce w kantonie Friburga. Kiedy po konwentyklu Watykan II, rozpoczęto nowe normy w l.iturgii, Święty Daniel Maria pospieszył się zastosować je, wierząc władzy, które je głosiły. Ale rychło zauważył spisek, które one reprezentowały, jako że rzeczone normy dane z pozornie pobożnymi motywami, ukrywały przewrotne intencje. On miał dowody, że znaczna ilość wrogów Kościoła zinfiltrowała zakony religijne, i aż do najwyższych szczytów hierarchii kościelnej. Święty Daniel, wtedy zwany Kanonik Ojciec Pasquier, prosił Pana o wybaczenie za pochopne naśladowanie szatańskiego Novus Ordo Misae, i obiecał szanować zawsze tradycję, i jeśli potrzeba umrzeć za nią. Dlatego, kiedy za każdym razem szedł w pielgrzymce do La Salette lub Lourdes, Francja, odmówił uczestnictwa w koncelebracjach i usunął się celebrować sam Mszę tradycyjną. Z powodu jego energicznej reakcji przeciwko progresywnej hierarchii kościelnej, zabrali mu parafię w Lessoc, gdzie realizował wielką pracę duchową, nawet wielkie dzieła społeczne, zatrudniając trochę wpływów, które otrzymywał na reparacje kościoła, budynków parafialnych i cele charytatywne; gdyż nic chciał dla siebie; jako że intensywnie kochał cnotę ubóstwa; wszystkim tym pozyskał zaufanie swoich parafian. Potem, kiedy Święty Daniel Maria był zmuszony zostawić parafię w Lessoc, skontaktował się z grupą tradycjonalną Lefebvre, stając na czele znacznej ich ilości. Święty Daniel Maria poznał El Palmar de Troya-Sewilla, Hiszpania w roku 1970. Ówczesny prezydent Białego Wojska prosił go, aby poszedł do Sewilli na zbadanie co się dzieje w El Palmar od dwóch lat. Święty Daniel był kapitanem w Szwajcarii tego apostolskiego ruchu, o którym dał liczne konferencje. W roku 1971, Święty Daniel Maria poszedł do El Palmar po raz pierwszy, i jak on referuje, mógł zauważyć ducha nadnaturalnego tego błogosławionego Miejsca. Tego samego roku wrócił po raz drugi z grupą Białego Wojska i jego prezydenta. W 1976 uczynił trzy podróże do El Palmar. Znajdując się w El Palmar dnia 7 października tego roku, kiedy Biskup Ojciec Klemens Dominguez, dziś Papież Święty Grzegorz XVII, niósł monstrancję podczas procesji Najświętszego, Pan mówił do rzeczonego Biskupa z Świętej Hostii prosząc, aby konsekrował Biskupem wtedy Kanonika Regularnego, Ojca Józefa Marię Izydora Pasquier; który przyjął wiadomość, że prośba pochodzi od Samego Pana; przeto był konsekrowany Biskupem następnego dnia, 8 października 1976 w Sewilli. Skoro nie proszono go o wstąpienie do Zakonu Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy, wrócił do Szwajcarii, bez powiedzenia komukolwiek, że był konsekrowany Biskupem, jako że chwilowo uważał to jako łaskę osobistą, i kontynuował tam swój zwyczajny apostolat. W grudniu 1976 Lefebvre dowiedział się o tej konsekracji w El Palmar, i alarmował grupę lefebvristów, którą kierował Święty Daniel; i oprócz tego potępił a priori co wydarzyło się w Miejscu El Palmar de Troya, powodując niepokój w tych grupach, że oddzielili się od Świętego Daniela Maria z wielkim bólem jego serca. Ale szybko odzyskał ducha; a jak w jego ostatniej wizycie dol El Palmar był zaproszony na udział w Kanonicznej Koronacji Naszej Matki w El Palmar, poszedł do Sewilli w tym celu w połowie grudnia 1976, zamieszkując w mieście. Dnia 21 grudnia tego samego roku, odwiedził Dom Generalny Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy i przychodząc zastał wszystkich zakonników zebranych, a jeden z nich powiedział: „Ojciec Generał otrzymuje przekaz od Pana w tym momencie”. Krótko potem, inny dodał: „Dotyczy ciebie”. Święty Daniel Maria powiadomiony, że Pan prosił go o wstąpienie do Zakonu Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy, posłusznie wstąpił natychmiast tego samego dnia 21 grudnia 1976. Życie Świętego Daniela Maria, podczas więcej niż dziesięciu lat we Wspólnocie Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy było wielce budujące dla wszystkich. Był przestrzegającym zakonnikiem, który zawsze wykazywał duchową wyborność duszy całkowicie oddanej Zakonowi; jako spowiednik i dyrektor duchowy, cieszył się zawsze specjalnymi charyzmatami, przeto wielu zwracało się do niego, bardzo często na wzmocnienie w Sakramencie Pokuty i posłuchanie jego mądrych i światłych rad; a jako apostoł wykonywał ze swej celi, zdumiewającą pracę propagowania El Palmar, za pomocą nieprzerwanych pism, jako że był świadom wielkiej potrzeby tego rozpowszechnienia; przeto aż do pozbawienia się, wiele razy, godzin swego snu, aby zawsze niezmordowanie pracować. Od dwóch i pół lat przed swą śmiercią, był zmuszony pozostać na stałe w łóżku; ale nie dlatego zrzekł się swej niezmordowanej pracy apostolskiej za pomocą pism. Ale, rychło, z nakazu Ojca Świętego, musiał z tego zrezygnować, jako że jego wzrok, zmęczony taką pracą, prawie nie zezwalał na czytanie. To pozbawienie pozwoliło mu na dedykowanie więcej czasu Ołtarzowi, celebrując codziennie znaczną ilość Mszy. Święty Daniel Maria kochał intensywnie Najświętszą Dziewicę Marię, bardzo czcił Świętego Józefa i bardzo podziwiał Świętą Teresę z Awilu. Wielkie cierpienia przeżył podczas kilka miesięcy, które poprzedziły jego śmierć, gdyż jego ciało było uszkodzone gangreną, ranami i innymi dolegliwościami właściwymi podeszłego wieku. Wszystko znosił z wielką cierpliwością i radością w ustawicznych aktach miłości Boga, manifestując zawsze swoje gorące pragnienie celebrowania wiele Mszy Świętych, chociaż w ostatnich momentach nie zawsze mógł już uczynić tego, przez co cierpiał wiele, co posłużyło mu bardziej na oczyszczenie się ze swych naturalnych defektów i na pozbawienie się, czego najbardziej kochał, którym było celebrowanie Świętej Mszy. Święty Daniel Maria oddał swą duszę Bogu w Domu Generalnym zakonników w Sewilli, w czwartek 12 marca 1987. Był pochowany następnego dnia na cmentarzu Świętego Ferdynanda w Sewilli, Hiszpania, i przeniesiony do krypty Bazyliki Katedralnej Naszej Matki w El Palmar Koronowanej dnia 16 listopada 1989. Kanonizowany przez Papieża Świętego Grzegorza XVII Największego dnia 20 kwietnia 1987. Ogłoszony Doktorem Kościoła przez tego samego Papieża dnia 24 stycznia 1997.
Święty Dawid Maria od Świętej Twarzy i Męki
Apostoł Mariański. Biskup. Religijny Zakonu Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy w Towarzystwie Jezusa i Marii.
Zwany w świecie Angel Maria Villamayor Cabanas, urodził się 2 sierpnia roku 1919, w Ybytymi, Paragwaj. Jego rodzicami byli Epifanio Villamayot Delgado i Maria Eleuteria Cabanas Farina. Z czterech braci, on był trzecim w urodzeniu. Ubodzy rolnicy, w 1930. emigrowali do Argentyny ze swoimi czterema synami w poszukiwaniu lepszego życia. Oddano chłopca Angel Maria do szkoły powszechnej, gdzie spotkał swoje pierwsze problemy w otoczeniu niereligijnym. W wieku czternastu lat, kiedy zmarł jego ojciec w Pasadas, Argentyna, musiał zaniechać naukę i zacząć swoje życie pracą w handlu. Rodzice bardzo pobożni, wszczepili swoim synom nabożeństwo do Najświętszej Dziewicy Marii, i Święty Dawid Maria, w wieku dwudziestu dwu lat, wstąpił do Zgromadzenia Mariańskiego młodych parafii, dochodząc do stanowiska przewodniczącego tego Zgromadzenia.
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W swoich wakacjach zatrudnienia w handlu, Święty Dawid Maria przebył Argentynę z północy na południe i ze wschodu na zachód. Po zachorowaniu poważnie jego matki w 1946, wrócił z nią do Paragwaju. Dnia 30 listopada tego samego roku, zmarła jego matka. Wtedy wydawało się bardziej odpowiednie przyjąć stan dla uniknięcia samotności, gdyż wszyscy jego bracia byli żonaci i zostali w Argentynie. Ale Boska Opatrzność sprawiła, że znalazł rozsądnego Kapłana, który wkrótce prosił go orientować się w jego powołaniu. W końcu ten Kapłan przekonał go o jego możliwym powołaniu kapłańskim powodując zastanowienie się nad pracą apostolatu w Zgromadzeniu Mariańskim. Zgodnie z tym przekonaniem, Święty Dawid Maria odszedł do Argentyny, gdzie w marcu 1948 wstąpił do Seminarium diecezjalnego. W marcu 1950 wrócił do Paragwaju, gdzie kontynuował swe studia kościelne w Seminarium Conciliar de Asuncion. To Seminarium było w sytuacji moralnej bardo złej, i Boska Opatrzność użyła seminarzystów na poprawę. W 1954, kryzys między przełożonymi i seminarzystami osiągnął punkt, że ci ostatni zwrócili się do Świętej Stolicy, i wtedy Papież Święty Pius XII Wielki posłał inspektora, który wydalił przełożonych z wyjątkiem kilku, jako że szatan nie będąc usposobiony stracić wszystkiego, zdołał drwić z tryumfu seminarzystów. Wtedy Papież Święty Pius XII Wielki zwrócił się do Episkopatu Hiszpańskiego na pokrycie wakansów Seminarium de Asuncion, i rozsadnik który rzeczony episkopat wysłał, wszyscy doktorzy, już był przesiąknięty progresizmem; w sposób, że lekarstwo okazało się gorsze od choroby. Dnia 13 stycznia 1957, Święty Dawid Maria był wyświęcony Kapłanem w mieście Asuncion przez arcybiskupa. Celebrował swoją pierwszą Mszę w swojej rodzinnej wiosce Ybytymi. Następnego roku po święceniach, rzeczony Hierarcha polecił mu stworzenie nowej parafii w tej samej stolicy, pracy bardzo delikatnej, ponieważ musiał łączyć terytorium trzech dawnych parafii. Po organizowaniu nowej parafii, powstał wakans w nowej parafii wiejskiej, bardzo ubogiej, środowisku bardzo złym, którym nikt z kapłanów chciał zająć się. Skoro Jego parafia była w Stolicy, on się ofiarował pójść do tej wiejskiej i tam był posłany. Znowu Boska Opatrzność przyszła mu z pomocą, ponieważ zostając w Asuncion, popadłby w progresizm, podczas gdy w terenie mógł utrzymywać tradycjonalizm. Tymczasem okazywała się co raz bardziej różnica w sprawach Kościoła, wśród tendencji postępowych arcybiskupa i tradycjonalizmu Świętego Dawida Marii. Z tego powodu od roku 1964, nie brał udziału w miesięcznych zebraniach kleru pod pretekstem zdrowia; i w roku 1967 zrezygnował definitywnie z parafii i oddał się na służbę kapelana w szpitalu Asuncion. W tym samym roku proboszcz parafii miasta Capiata, do którego jurysdykcji należała kaplica Świętego Michała Archanioła z Posta Leiva, wioski dwadzieścia sześć kms od Asuncion, instalował w rzeczonej kaplicy Świętego Dawida Maria. Najświętsza Dziewica Maria użyła „Difusorę Mariańską” z Buenos Aires na pomoc Świętemu Dawidowi Maria w trudnej godzinie eklipsy Kościoła; i za pomocą tej difusory zaznajomił się także o Objawieniach w El Palmar de Troya-Sewilla, Hiszpania i o orientujących posłaniach, aby nie pozostać w ciemnościach. Całkowicie przekonany o niebieskich ostrzeżeniach, zaczął przepowiadać o rzeczonych Objawieniach w kaplicy Świętego Michała de Posta Leiva, która należała do rzymskiego kościoła, idąc dokładnie za wskazaniami Posłań Palmariańskich. W roku 1980 nawiązał kontakt z Palmarańskim Biskupem, dziś Świętym Henochem Maria, który był Misjonarzem w Santa Maria de los Buenos Aires, stolicy Argentyny. Święty Dawid Maria zaprosił Świętego Henocha Maria do Paragwaju i ten poszedł. Zawiadomiony arcybiskup z Asuncion o tym spotkaniu, zmusił Świętego Dawida Maria do opuszczenia kaplicy, którą zajmował. Odtąd on wykonywał swój kapłański urząd w Posta Leiva w prywatnym domu Świętego Euzebiusza Rolon wiernego Dzieła w El Palmar. Święty Dawid Maria był dziko prześladowany przez apostatyczną rzymską hierarchię i przez samą policję. W roku 1981, z motywu wizyty Papieża Świętego Grzegorza XVII Największego w Paragwaju, Święty Dawid Maria wstąpił do Zakonu Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy dnia 15 sierpnia roku 1981; a dnia 23 tego sierpnia tego samego roku uczynił swoje wieczyste śluby. Następnie Biskup Ojciec Izydor Maria, dziś Jego Świątobliwość Papież Piotr II, udzielił mu Episkopatu w prowizorycznej kaplicy instalowanej na własym terenie Świętego Euzebiusza Rolon przylegającym do jego domu, gdyż obecność wiernych i innych osób była bardzo liczna. W tym samym miejscu jest obecnie Kapłica Kościoła Palmariańskiego w Posta Leiva. Papież Święty Grzegorz XVII Największy założył Kaplicę de Posta Leiva wykonując bardzo intensywną pracę apostolską wśród bardzo licznych wiernych. Nowy Biskup Święty Dawid Maria, został w Posta Leiva z innymi dwoma Biskupami Palmariańskimi na posługę licznym parafianom Paragwaju. Dnia 29 października 1984, Święty Dawid Maria przybył do Sewilli, aby zamieszkać w jednym z konwentów Zakonu Karmeltów Świętej Twarzy. Jego życie konwentualne było zawsze bardzo wzorowe. Wyróżniał się swoim duchem skupienia, modlitwy i wykonywaniem Świętych Reguł. Był zawsze bardzo pożądany przez zakonników, zakonnic i wiernych na słuchanie w Sakramencie Spowiedzi. Cierpiał z wielką cierpliwością różne choroby, które spowodowały potem śmierć. Święty Dawid Maria zmarł święcie w Domu Papieskim w Sewilli, dnia 2 stycznia roku 2002. Krótko przed jego śmiercią odwiedził go w jego celi Papież Święty Grzegorz XVII Największy i dał mu Błogosławieństwo Apostolskie. Następnego dnia był pochowany w Krypcie Bazyliki Katedralnej Nasej Matki w El Palmar Koronowanej. Kanonizowany przez Papieża Świętego Grzegorza XVII Największego dnia 31 marca roku 2002.
Saint Henoch Mary of the Holy Face and of the Holy Shroud
Marian Apostle. Bishop. Religioso of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face in Company of Jesus and Mary. Doctor. Victim Soul. Protector of the Holy Palmarian See.
In the world, Louis Celsus Caucig, he was son of Joseph Caucig and Ana née Scubin. He was born in Prepotto, Udine, Italy, on the 27th of March 1907, and baptized that same day. His parents were farm workers, of humble social condition. He was the sixth of the ten children, and the eldest of his mother’s second marriage. He began his primary schooling in his native town.
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In October 1917, during World War I, his father, who was a soldier, to flee from invasion by the Austro-Hungarian army, succeeded in removing his whole family from the Friuli region where they were living and taking them to Bologna. From there they went to the city of Siena as war refugees, and stayed there till the end of the war; except for his father who had to rejoin the army. The flight from their land, however painful and distressing it was for them all, for Saint Henoch Mary was especially providential. For, a few days after arriving at the city of Siena, his family received the visit of a kindly Priest who, gazing at Louis Celsus, beckoned him with his finger and asked him if he would like to study. As he replied affirmatively, the Priest, in agreement with his mother, took him to a boarding school for primary studies belonging to the Institute of the Sacred Heart, of which the Priest was director, pertaining to the Congregation of the Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate. There he received a solid religious education, making his First Holy Communion on the 19th of March 1918. The war over, he had to return with his parents to his native town in the Friuli region, in February 1919. Such was the nostalgia he felt for the Religious Institute in Siena that, through the town’s Parish Priest, he succeeded in having his parents take him back again. There he finished his primary schooling; then doing three years of secondary schooling. During this time, reading the booklets published by the Institute of Foreign Missions in Milan, he became so enthusiastic at the accounts of the lives of missionaries in China and India, that he felt his missionary vocation among the heathen grow ever stronger. In September 1923, he entered the Apostolic School of Saint Joseph, in Genoa, which was the minor seminary for aspiring missionaries, belonging to the Estere Missionary Institute, where in 1924 he did his fourth and final year of secondary schooling. During the years 1925 to 1927, he did his philosophical studies in Monza, near Milan, in a school of the above mentioned institute. During the years 1928 to 1930, he did his first years of Theology in Milan. On the 20th of September 1930, he was ordained Priest in Milan Cathedral. On the 29th of June 1931, he was assigned, together with three companions, as Apostolic Missionary, to the Vicariate of Southern Shenchi, in northwest China. After receiving the Missionary’s Crucifix on the 15th of August that same year, he left for Venice together with the others, and there embarked for China, reaching the Chinese port of Shanghai after a long voyage of forty days. From there he continued his journey in a Chinese boat up the river Yan-tse-Kiang (Blue River) to the city of Nanjing, whence by rail he went to Kaifeng, capital of the province of Henan, see of the Apostolic Vicariate of that name, staying in the city until the end of the year 1932, to prepare himself further for his mission and learn the difficult Chinese language. In November 1932, he and another companion, together with the new Titular Apostolic Vicar of Han-Chung (Southern Shenchi), set out on the journey to the mission. Amid hazardous and fatiguing incidents, in danger of being murdered, and after crossing in sedan chair and on foot the Tsing-ling mountain range (reaching down from Tibet) in intense cold, as it was midwinter, they arrived at their destination on the 6th of January 1933, Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. Towards the end of the year 1935, he had the post of curate, helping the older missionaries or Parish Priests of different places. Great were the difficulties in the apostolate owing to the hostile attitude to Christianity of the great mass of buddhist pagans and their arrogant superiority. Thus the apostolic work of Saint Henoch Mary and the other missionaries was absorbed by the pastoral care of the twelve thousand Catholic faithful living mingled among two million pagans. In the winter of 1935, the mission territory was invaded by Mao-Tse-Tung’s communist troops on their “long march” towards the north, where they were later to form a communist republic independent of the nationalist one of Chiang Kai-shek. To protect themselves from the red armies, Saint Henoch Mary and the other missionaries took refuge within the walls of the city of Han-Chung, defended by the nationalist army, where the communist one did not succeed in entering. But when they returned to the place of their mission, everything had been ransacked by the reds. In the year 1936, Saint Henoch Mary was named Director of the District of Ku-lu-pa, with many chapels and Christian communities. There, for six years, he worked intensely. Nonetheless, he was the victim of severe persecution by the students of a University, who had installed themselves in the premises of the neighbouring former see of the Apostolic Vicariate of Han-Chung. This persecution was owing to his opposition to the students invading his chapels and placing serious obstacles to worship and catechism, among other outrages. Saint Henoch Mary had to hide away far from the city amid great toils and troubles to free himself from the villainous university students. They, on Christmas Eve 1941, went to his house to kill him, and surrounded and invaded the edifice with uproar and infernal frenzy, to the terror of the catechist Religiosas there. They did not kill him because he, warned by some faithful regarding the students’ accursed intentions, departed in time from Ku-lu-pa and held Christmas worship in the city of Kao-pa, twenty kilometres away. In the year 1942, no longer able to return to the District of Ku-lu-pa, owing to the danger from the students, the Bishop commended to Saint Henoch the town of Sin-tzi, near Han-Chung. In the year 1944, the degenerate governor of Han-Chung, very hostile to the Church, unjustly accused the Bishop, Saint Henoch and the other Priests of being suspected spies in the service of Japan, a nation considered an enemy by the Chinese. Under this pretext they were all taken to a concentration camp in the small town of Luoa-Yang, some seventy kilometres from Han-Chung. After only a few days of the hard life of banishment, they learnt of the terrible display of God’s Justice upon the villainous governor; for having made an inspection of the place where they were confined, he was attacked by a fulminating venereal disease and had to be taken urgently to Han-Chung, but died on the way. Saint Henoch and the other missionaries were told that the governor, in feverish delirium, had been heard to say: “How terrible is the God of the Christians!” This proof was very beneficial for the faithful, who multiplied their prayers asking for the liberation of the imprisoned Priests. At that time there was war between the Japanese and the Americans, and a group of airmen from the American forces was billeted in the residence of the Bishop of Han-Chung. As there were Catholic officers among the American airmen, they were taken aback at the absence of the Bishop and other Priests; so that, asking for information, they found out that they were in a concentration camp. The airmen, indignant and wanting spiritual assistance, requested Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek’s wife for their release, and the order was given by the Nationalist Government for this to be done immediately, and the Bishop and other Priests returned to their missions. As from the year 1947, Saint Henoch Mary ruled the Missionary District of Sin-ka-tze, to the northwest of Han-Chung, where centuries-old good Christian communities existed. On the 7th of December 1949, Mao-Tse-Tung’s army reached this place. With their arrival, new and dreadful sufferings began for Saint Henoch which lasted for over two years, the period it fell to him to live under the communist yoke. He was subjected to controls, inspections, interrogations and general ill-treatment. To all these trials, he always reacted with sublime wisdom and prudence, without hesitation or ambiguity; for the Holy Spirit, without any doubt, placed on his lips the words he had to say and guided his steps, so that he might always stay in the truth. Thanks to his inspired conduct, though with many difficulties, he was able to carry on at the head of his pious parishioners; who on no few occasions were cunningly pressured by the Church’s enemies with the aim of creating serious difficulties for the Missionary and finding some pretext for putting an end to him. The continuous oppression from the commissaries of Mao-Tse-Tung’s government against Saint Henoch Mary ended in a popular trial held on the 14th of April 1952, attended by some ten thousand people, at which Saint Henoch had to appear. When led to the place of the trial, he was taken together with two others sentenced to be shot. During the trial, which lasted three terrible hours, standing all the while, he had to listen to seven speakers accusing him of being an imperialist, exploiter of the people, egoist, parasite and many other things. The cries of the excited speakers were sometimes repeated by the crowd. In the final sentence, Saint Henoch Mary was considered a criminal who deserved to be punished by shooting; but the tribunal found a yet more infamous punishment: “Banishment for life from the Popular Republic of China”. All was reported on the people’s radio. Before he was expelled from the country, he was imprisoned for three nights and two days, under the strictest vigilance. Following a trying journey, with its corresponding checks and inspections, he was able to cross the Chinese communist border and reach Hong Kong, under British rule, where he stayed for three months in the episcopal residence for the purpose of restoring his health. In August 1952 he set sail for Italy, and exercised his ministry in the Minor Seminary of Treviso, Venice. In the middle of the year 1954, he requested the Superior General to be sent to Brazil, and sailed in the month of August for the Brazilian port of Santos. After almost one year as curate in a parish of San Amaro, São Paulo, he was assigned as Parish Priest to Florestópolis, Paraná, Brazil. Afterwards he practised his priestly ministry in other places, also becoming vicar of Echaporã, São Paulo, Brazil. In May 1973, owing to his progressive deafness, he resigned from this post; and in September left for a vacation in Italy. In September 1974 he returned to Brazil, where he practised his ministry as a chaplain appointed to the parishes of his Religious Institute of Foreign Missions. As progressivism was by then ravaging the Church ever further, Saint Henoch Mary was removed as a chaplain for refusing to give Communion in the hand, and also for having reproved in his preaching and prevented the distribution of an article by the cardinal archbishop which implicitly denied the Virginity of the Mother of God. It was at that time, in the year 1975, when he learnt of the Messages of El Palmar de Troya, Seville, Spain, which he put into practice in his own Religious Institute, with grave difficulties; so that he decided to leave the community and live outside on his own account. This brave decision of his was made easier for him to carry out on being offered the opportunity of living in a place of apparitions in Brazil which, at the time, appeared to him to be authentic. On the 17th of August 1978, the news of the elevation to the Papal Office of Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great reached him, an event which had taken place on the 6th of the same month. In February 1979, the Palmarian Sovereign Pontiff made an apostolic visit to Santa María de los Buenos Aires, Argentina. On account of this, Pope Saint Gregory XVII, through the Palmarian Missionary in Brazil, sent for Saint Henoch Mary to come to Argentina, where he arrived on the 2nd of March, after overcoming serious difficulties in renewing his passport. He stayed on there as Missionary, to assist the faithful spiritually. Saint Henoch Mary visited El Palmar de Troya for the first time on the occasion of the opening of the Holy, Great, Dogmatic First Palmarian Council and Holy Week 1980. On the 25th of March that year, he took his vows and was consecrated Bishop by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great. Days after Holy Week ended, Saint Henoch Mary returned to Argentina to rule the diocese as Missionary Bishop, where he was dearly loved by all the faithful for his great spirit of duty, his piety and excellent gifts as a confessor. On the 23rd of September 1983, Saint Henoch went to El Palmar de Troya for the traditional pilgrimage of the 12th of October, and then remained there as a translator into Italian of the Holy See publications. On the 5th of October 1984, he was given the religious name of Father Henoch Mary in place of his previous baptismal name of Father Celsus, by which he had been called up to that moment. Saint Henoch Mary’s monastic life in the Mother House of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face was the crowning of his already outstanding life of virtue. With his simple, affable, good-natured, and sometimes vigorous character, he soon won the sympathy of all the Religiosos. He was able to adapt himself perfectly to community life in the Order, fulfilling the rules with punctilious obedience and exemplary discipline. He was deeply pious. He loved and revered Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great with great vehemence. He bore his last and trying illness with great patience and sweetness, always submissive to the Religiosos who nursed him. When he had become physically incapable of celebrating Holy Mass, he heard Mass from his bed with edifying recollection and angelical fervour. He almost always held the holy rosary in his hands, as he professed a most singular love for the Most Holy Virgin Mary. Saint Henoch Mary died in Seville, in the Mother House of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, on the 10th of October 1991. Shortly before dying, he had received the Holy Sacraments, as also the Blessing of Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, who visited him on his deathbed. He was buried the following day in the Crypt of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar, with the attendance of many pilgrims come for the pilgrimage of the 12th of October. Canonized by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great on the 12th of October 1991. Declared Doctor of the Church by the same Pope on the 9th of February 2001.
Saint Fulgentius Mary of the Holy Face and of the Sorrows of the Most Holy Virgin Mary
Marian Apostle. Bishop. Religioso of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face in Company of Jesus and Mary. Doctor. Protector of repentant apostates.
In the world Francis Bernard Sandler, he was born on the 23rd of October 1917, in Fall River, Massachusetts, United States. He was son of Joseph Sandler and Alicia née Salvin. He was the third of the four children born to the marriage. As his parents professed the jewish religion, he was of course brought up in judaism. He did his primary and secondary schooling in a school of his native town up until 1935. From the year 1937 to the year 1942, he studied music in the Boston Conservatory, and was piano and music teacher in Fall River state schools.
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In the year 1942, Saint Fulgentius was converted to the Catholic Religion, after abjuring the jewish faith he had professed up till then. This transcendent decision was a heroic act, as he had to face up to his mother’s complete opposition. She, seeing that she was getting nowhere with her son, threw herself to the ground on the threshold of the house, in an attempt to prevent him from leaving. He, with deep sorrow of heart, was forced to step over his mother. He received the Sacrament of Baptism on the 28th of February 1942. From that same year until 1944, he did military service. Saint Fulgentius entered the Benedictine Order, and lived in the monastery of Portsmouth Priory (USA) from 1944 to 1951; year in which he was transferred to Saint Edward’s College in England, Great Britain, and later to Sweden, where in Stockholm he was ordained Priest on the 17th of January 1954. From the year 1962 to 1972, he acted as Parish Priest in different Swedish parishes; and afterwards, until 1975, he was a missionary in Ashton-in-Makerfield, England. When Saint Fulgentius Mary, completely opposed to the Roman Church’s devastating progressivism, learnt of the Apparitions of El Palmar de Troya, Seville, Spain, he visited this Sacred Place, bulwark of the Catholic Faith and torch of Holy Tradition. In the month of April in the year 1975, he stayed on in El Palmar carrying out a great priestly mission among the many followers of those Blessed Apparitions and celebrating Masses in the Place of the Lentisco. He was very obedient to all that the Lord and the Most Holy Virgin commanded in the messages given to the seer Clemente Domínguez, today Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great. His presence in El Palmar was a great support, above all when the moment came for the Priestly Ordinations and Episcopal Consecrations, for which great persecution was borne from the Roman Church Hierarchy and some civil authorities. On the 11th of January 1976, Saint Fulgentius Mary was consecrated Bishop, together with the then Father Clemente Domínguez, today Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, Father Manuel Alonso Corral, today Pope Saint Peter II the Great, and two other Priests, by Archbishop Saint Peter Martin Ngô-dinh Thuc. Months later, owing to persecution from the civil authorities, stirred up by Seville’s Cardinal Bueno Monreal, Saint Fulgentius Mary accompanied Bishop Father Clemente Domínguez, Founder of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, and all the other members of the Order who were forced to leave Spain. He held posts of responsibility in the Palmarian Church and in the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, which he discharged quite competently. He professed his perpetual vows on the 24th of October 1979. Saint Fulgentius had a special devotion to the Most Holy Virgin Mary. He was a great lover of Gregorian music, and held the post of choirmaster in the Pontifical Masses and other religious ceremonies. At the beginning of the Holy, Great, Dogmatic First Palmarian Council, he worked with great interest in the formulation and development of doctrine, contributing fundamental ideas. Nonetheless, his work gradually became less positive owing to the excessive meticulousness with which he dealt with some questions and his obstinacy in holding fast to his own ideas. His mentality, excessively scrutinizing, led him to become muddled in some doctrinal questions; to the point that when required by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great to rectify his errors, he refused to do so, and hence was expelled from the Religious Order and from the Church, and as a consequence incurring the pain of excommunication. His apostasy took place on the 2nd of July 1986. Following his departure from the Palmarian Church, he went to live in the United States. On the 4th of October 1988, deeply repentant and disposed to rectify his previous errors, he returned to the Order, as it was his desire to live and die within Holy Mother Church. He was admitted by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, who with paramount satisfaction restored him to his previous post. Following his return to the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, Saint Fulgentius Mary returned to his life of piety, faithfully observing the Holy Rules, with great desires of sanctification. Again he took part in the work of the Council. Nevertheless, once more he gradually allowed himself to become dominated by his excessively meticulous mentality, until he came up against the same stumbling block as before. His complete clouding on doctrinal matters led him to abandon the Order and the Church a second time, in spite of the warning that he would incur excommunication. His second apostasy took place on the 30th of July 1991, and he left for the United States. On the 2nd of August 1992, he presented himself at the Mother House of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face in Seville, making known his great desire to be readmitted again. As he recounted, when in the United States, he felt that he was dying, and his whole desire was to return to the monastery “to die at home.” He was deeply repentant for all his previous errors. He was again admitted. Saint Fulgentius Mary returned to the Order very ill, and was no longer able to lead normal community life. He stayed permanently in his cell, where he was attended with great love by the Religiosos, and twice each day Holy Masses were celebrated for him and Holy Communion was administered to him. There he prayed the Holy Penitential Rosary every day with other Religiosos. His cancer gradually grew worse, causing him atrocious and unremitting pain, which nothing could alleviate, despite thorough investigation by several doctors in an attempt to obtain some relief for him. Saint Fulgentius’ suffering was terrible, dreadful. Without the least doubt, that strange and excruciating pain was permitted by God to purify him in part for his two apostasies. Holy Extreme Unction was administered to him several times. Saint Fulgentius Mary died in holiness in the Mother House of the Religiosos in Seville on the 26th of October 1992. He was buried on the 28th of October 1992 in the Crypt of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar. Canonized by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great on the 23rd of December 1992. Declared Doctor of the Church by the same Pope on the 6th of March 1999.
Saint Jacinta of the Holy face and of Saint Teresa of Jesus
Marian Apostle. Religiosa of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face in Company of Jesus and Mary. Victim Soul.
Called Maria Teresa Báscones Urigüen in the world, she was born in Aguilar de Campóo, Palencia, Spain, on the 2nd of September 1960. She was daughter of John Francis Báscones Robles and Maria Rosario Urigüen Fernández. Shortly after birth, it was discovered that she had a serious heart illness, and she had an operation at the age of ten.
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Saint Jacinta joined the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face on the 13th of May 1978, at seventeen years of age. She had great devotion to Saint Teresa of Ávila and to Saint Mary Teresa González Cadarso of Madrid. She took her first vows on the 23rd of November in the same year, following a very fervent preparation. She constantly sought spiritual counsel and very diligently followed the guidance she was given. Until March 1979, she lived a completely normal community life, fulfilling all her duties with great fervour. From March until September, she had very bad health, was almost unable to breathe, and walked with great difficulty. On the 11th of October 1979, she underwent a thorough heart and lung examination. A few hours later she collapsed, and received the Last Sacraments. According to the diagnosis, her heart condition was incurable, and no medical treatment could help her. The doctors were unable to say how much longer she had to live. The Mother General relayed the doctors’ opinion to Saint Jacinta and gave her the medical report to read. The Saint accepted the doctors’ opinion with great serenity, and spoke with the Mother General on how she could best prepare herself for going to Heaven, since both were firmly convinced that she had not long to live. She spoke very cheerfully to her mother on the telephone, telling her that she would be in Heaven very soon. As her mother became sad, the Saint exclaimed in a voice full of joy “But Mamma, why are you sad? Soon you will have a daughter in Heaven. There I can be of much more help to you.” Saint Jacinta’s religious life was a hidden one. She worked happily and in silence to perfect herself. She had a wonderful spirit of obedience and great respect for her superioresses. She strove to live each moment of her life with great perfection. From the beginning of her illness in the convent, she had an ardent desire to attain Heaven and be united to her Divine Spouse. The outstanding beauty of her religious life consisted in living the community rules with heroic perfection. She suffered terrible temptations against purity, but struggled against them kneeling before the Most Holy Sacrament, thereby increasing her intense love for the Sacramental Jesus. During her last month of life, she suffered terribly from hunger, as she could only digest baby food. She could neither walk, nor sleep, nor lie down, yet she was always smiling and listened patiently to all the Religiosas who visited her. Her greatest joy was to have a room beside the Chapel, so as to be near the Blessed Sacrament and be able to hear Holy Mass. Saint Jacinta’s condition deteriorated in November of the year 1979, but she wanted to be present at the vows of the newly professed religiosas, which were held on the 23rd of the same month. She was in a wheel-chair during the ceremony, her face glowing with exceptional happiness and charm. She collapsed after returning to Seville and, while Extreme Unction was being administered to her, she died at 3.25 on Saturday morning the 24th of November 1979, feast of Saint John of the Cross, at nineteen years of age, in the Mother House of the Religiosas in Seville, Spain. She was buried in the San Fernando cemetery in Seville on the 24th of November 1979, and transferred to the crypt of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar on the 2nd of May 1989. Here is a brief paragraph from one of the Saint’s beautiful letters which are conserved: “My soul also feels pained, and desires that all souls draw near and love Jesus and Mary, and experience Their delights, which greatly surpass all worldly pleasures. Besides, when we reach Heaven, there these little delights become ardent and unending raptures. And with only, I say only, the immense happiness of seeing God, everything is fulfilled. Think, for just a moment, about the unending and delightful colloquies we shall have with all the Blessed and Saints who are in Heaven; and about the lullabies and kisses of Our Mother, the Most Holy Virgin Mary, who loves us more than our earthly mother, immensely more…” (Letter to a sick Religiosa, dated the 12th of November 1979). In another of her letters, she opens her heart to the same Religiosa with these beautiful words: “I lay down for a while to rest and thought: that I was very small, and besides, that the Lord had made me travel the way very quickly and almost without my realizing it; in short, that I already found myself at the gate of Heaven (El Palmar), and that the only thing left for me to do was to open the gate; but, as I was so small, I only had to open it a little and slip in quickly, till I reached Jesus’ arms and placed myself in His Heart, to curl up in the spot where the heartbeat is strongest, so as to feel His love more deeply and to be able to beat in unison with Him. This thought still fills me with happiness, and I hope that, with the help of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph and Saint Teresa, I may obtain it…” (Letter of the 13th of November 1979.) Canonized by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great on the 12th of September 1983. That same day, after the canonization, Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great continued Holy Mass, and having consumed the Most Precious Blood of Christ he had the following vision: he saw Heaven open and contemplated the glorious entry of this Carmelite Saint of the Holy Face, who was received by Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, who led her to her respective throne, very elevated. He could also contemplate the indescribable joy of all the Angels and Saints, who sang the praises of God for the presence in Heaven of this new Saint. By means of this vision, moreover, the Supreme Pontiff knew that she had gone directly from Earth to Heaven without passing through purgatory, assuring that she enjoyed a very privileged place in Eternal Blessedness.
Saint Jeremias Mary of the Holy Face and of the Immaculate Conception
Marian Apostle. Bishop. Religioso of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face in Company of Jesus and Mary. Doctor. Victim Soul. Protector of the Holy Palmarian See.
Called Joseph Henry Villarreal in the world, he was born in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, on the 22nd of August 1919. His parents were called George Villarreal and his wife Celsa Teresa, and he had four brothers. Saint Jeremias Mary was of the black race. He recounts that at the age of five years he went to school, and on reaching six he moved with his mother and grandmother to the Isle of Curaçao, Dutch West Indies, where he learnt the Dutch, English and Spanish languages, and that proper to the island, called Papiamento.
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When seven years old he received First Holy Communion and Confirmation. He finished his eight years of primary schooling when fourteen years old, and passed on to a technical school to learn metal and machine technology, not having the means to do teacher-training. Afterwards he worked for one year in an oil refinery, then going into the telecommunications service, where he worked for one year in the telephonic section, almost fifteen years in the transmitter department and eleven years in that of receivers, as technician and operator. From the year 1937 to the year 1965, in addition to specializing in his professional branch, he carried out a great apostolate as a member of the pious international organization called the Legion of Mary. In the year 1965, he entered the Colombian National Seminary of Christ the Priest, situated in La Ceja, a town some forty kilometres from the city of Medellín, Colombia, where he studied two years of philosophy and four of Theology. On the 8th of December 1970, Feast of Mary’s Immaculate Conception, he was ordained Priest at fifty-one years of age, in Willemstad, Curaçao, Dutch West Indies. In his priestly ministry in America, he was three years a chaplain and three a Parish Priest, divided between the three principal islands: Curaçao, Aruba and Bonaire, afterwards visiting Venezuela, Holland and Spain. The seminary where he did his priestly studies was at that time the best in Colombia, but was progressivist as well, as Communion was given standing, and the heretical modern mass was celebrated, facing the people. All this had an influence on him, as he refers, since until the beginning of the year 1976, he exercised his priestly ministry with progressivist practices, though with a certain lack of culpability. It even fell to him to celebrate Holy Mass in five different languages. Saint Jeremias had the good fortune to read many Heavenly Messages from different parts of the world, as well as other books that explained the decadence and subversion of the Church by enemy infiltration, to which Pope Saint Paul VI also alluded. Through these warnings, from the 1st of January 1976, he resolved to introduce changes in his last parish, returning to Tradition. What greatly contributed to this important decision was the visit Saint Jeremias Mary made to the Sacred Place of Apparitions of El Palmar de Troya, Seville, Spain, in the year 1973, where he learnt to celebrate the Traditional Mass. On the 1st of May 1977, Saint Jeremias went to Seville for good to enter the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, receiving there the religious name Father Jeremias Mary. On the 7th of May in the same year, in the Chapel of the Mother House of the Order in Seville, he received Episcopal Consecration from the hands of the then Bishop Father Isidore Mary, today Pope Saint Peter II the Great. He took his perpetual vows on the 24th of October 1979. Throughout the twelve years and a little over two months in which, until his death, he lived as a religioso in the community of Seville, Saint Jeremias Mary distinguished himself for his episcopal zeal, his fidelity to the priestly ministry, and his unconditional commitment to the observance of the religious life. He took care to comply with all his obligations in the most perfect manner possible, being a person to whom any work or mission could be entrusted, as he exercised the maximum responsibility and diligence. In all his acts the innocence and purity of his soul was revealed, almost angelical. In his person were wonderfully combined the most solid human qualities and the most outstanding supernatural virtues. His fidelity to Holy Mother Church and to the Vicar of Christ, then Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, was vividly reflected in all his acts. Saint Jeremias Mary, however untiring at work, was yet more so in his life of prayer. In addition, he possessed great gifts for the confessional and spiritual direction. The last months of his life were spent amid great sufferings as consequence of a painful illness. He underwent two serious operations, being at every moment an example of resignation and patience, greatly edifying all those who assisted him, including the doctors and nurses themselves during the time he had to remain in hospital. On Thursday the 6th of July 1989, he entered into agony, which lasted a little more than three days, since on Sunday the 9th of July 1989, he gave his soul up to Our Lord amid an enviable peace. During his long state of agony, it was admirable to contemplate the sweetness on his face, the serenity of his gestures, always with the crucifix and the holy rosary in his hands: all of which evidenced his greatness of soul. When no longer able to speak, it was his entire delight to hear the pious aspirations almost continually prayed by the religiosos around his deathbed. Pope Gregory XVII the Very Great visited him and blessed him on several occasions shortly before his death. He was buried two days later in the crypt of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar. Forthwith, we transcribe the last testimony written by Saint Jeremias in his own hand on the 5th of June 1989, little more than a month before his death: “I, Father Jeremias Mary of the Holy Face, in the world Joseph Henry Villarreal, considering that my death might be close at hand or far off, give my last testimony of my Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Faith. With great satisfaction, I abandoned my parish of Rincon in Bonaire in April of 1977 so as to enter the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face on the 1st of May 1977. With all my strength I ratify my faith in the Church of always, the Catholic and Apostolic, as is taught and practised in the Church of El Palmar de Troya, Spain, in which I abjured all adverse teachings and organizations, such as freemasonry, daughter of international sionism, as well as the consequent sects of marxism, communism and all non-Catholic sects and religions, which all combine in different degrees to struggle furiously against the Catholic Church. Only the Palmarian Church, with the present Vicar of Christ Pope Gregory XVII, is that to which I adhere with all my strength. Thus I give my last testament in articulo mortis. I ask pardon of God and the Most Holy Virgin, and generally of all whom I have offended, or induced to sin or caused to fall into evil. May God have pity on this poor person. + C.P. Jeremias Mary of the Holy Face and of the Immaculate Conception (in the world J.H.V.)” Canonized by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great on the 16th of July 1989. Declared Doctor of the Church by the same Pope on the 8th of February 2000.
Saint Josaphat Mary of the Holy Face and of the Immaculate Conception of Mary
Marian Apostle. Bishop. Religioso of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face in Company of Jesus and Mary.
In the world, Patrick Joseph Fearon, he was born on the 24th of July 1918 in Levallyclanone, Rostrevor, Newry, Down, Ireland. He was baptized on the following day. Son of Patrick Joseph Fearon and his wife Elizabeth, he was the eldest of four children. His parents adopted two boys and a girl. He went to primary school in the town of Rostrevor. He worked as a labourer in Ireland and in England, Great Britain. In London in 1943, he met an elderly Priest who counselled him to become a Priest. Saint Josaphat Mary thought he could manage the required studies, and on the 11th of February 1946 entered the Capuchin noviciate in Pantasaph, North Wales. He soon realized that the studies were too difficult for him. His superior asked him to stay on as a lay brother in the Order, in which he eventually made his religious profession.
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Saint Josaphat Mary spent many happy years in the Capuchin Order, and for a time came to accept the changes in the Church as a consequence of the Vatican II conciliabulum. However, when the Traditional Mass was abolished by the introduction of the heretical “novus ordo missæ”, he went through a terrible dark night. He spoke frankly to his immediate superior and also to his provincial on a visitation to his priory. Both were very attentive and considerate, but counselled submission and obedience, a solution impossible for him to accept. His immediate superior told Saint Josaphat Mary that he saw him on the way to leaving the Order and the Church. By means of a friend of his, he received the Messages of El Palmar de Troya, Seville, Spain, which helped him to find his bearings and calmed his conscience, as through them he had light to see that his attitude to progressivism was correct. Saint Josaphat Mary always professed great love for the Most Holy Virgin Mary, and often visited a Marian sanctuary. On one such visit, he received a special strengthening in his Faith. In 1973 he spent a month in hospital owing to a heart attack at the “Greyfriars” priory in Iffley Road, near Oxford, England. For this reason they gave him a long vacation, and he travelled home to Ireland in July that year, and was later accepted as a sick pilgrim to go to a Marian sanctuary in Banneux, Belgium. In January 1975, a Priest invited him to enter the lefebvrist movement. On the one hand, Saint Josaphat was not willing to return to the Capuchins, as he felt that to do so was against his conscience, and on the other neither did he see Lefèbvre’s followers make a clear stand with respect to Pope Saint Paul VI, and was later able to verify that they were in open opposition to the Sovereign Pontiff. As he saw that the Messages of El Palmar de Troya taught the truth concerning the Pope and Holy Tradition, he travelled out to El Palmar where he arrived on the 13th of July 1975. There the Most Holy Virgin Mary made known to him via a seer that She was very pleased with his presence in the Sacred Place. At that same time a letter arrived for him from his Capuchin superiors in England, threatening him with punishment if he did not return within seven days; but he did not return, and followed the order received from Heaven in El Palmar de Troya. As he himself disclosed, he was unable to find peace of spirit in the Franciscan Order once he realized that he ought not to remain there owing to progressivism; the thought of possibly dying in that situation worried him day and night, and filled him with anguish; he therefore felt himself bound to act as soon as possible, going to the Sacred Place of El Palmar de Troya, a decision he never regretted. Finally, he added: “May God grant me the Grace of final perseverance.” On the 23rd of December 1975, Saint Josaphat Mary became a Religioso in the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face in Seville. On the 28th of January 1976, in the Sacred Place of El Palmar de Troya, he was ordained Priest, and on the 1st of February that same year he was consecrated Bishop, Holy Orders conferred upon him by Bishop Father Clemente Domínguez y Gómez, now Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great. On the 6th of April 1976, Saint Josaphat Mary also went into exile to France together with the Bishop Primate Father Clemente Domínguez and other Bishops, Priests and lay brothers, by order of the examining Magistrate of Utrera, instigated by the apostate archbishop of Seville, José María Bueno Monreal. On the 24th of August 1978, the Palmarian Sovereign Pontiff sent Bishop Saint Josaphat Mary as missionary to Ireland in the company of Bishop Saint Scholasticus Mary, also a Religioso of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face. At the beginning of January 1982, Saint Josaphat Mary was sent as missionary to New Zealand, taking charge of the Palmarian Faithful of Australia in Sydney, Canberra, Numurkah, Melbourne, Tasmania, Perth and Brisbane. Later he also took charge of the faithful in the Philippines and Bangladesh; and afterwards he attended the faithful in Western Samoa too. Hence, he was the Palmarian Bishop of Asia and Oceania until April 1993, when Pope Saint Gregory XVII decided to retire him from the missions owing to his advanced age and poor health. Saint Josaphat Mary was a model religioso. He fulfilled the Holy Rules of the Order with entire fidelity. As a Missionary Bishop he laboured to keep the many faithful commended to his charge steadfast in the Palmarian Catholic Faith. His continuous journeys across Asia and Oceania were laden with sacrifices, yet he never uttered any complaint at the great difficulties which his apostolate involved; quite the contrary, he was always cheerful and obedient in the fulfilment of his duties. The faithful of his diocese deeply appreciated the sacrifices he made for them and had great love for him. When he ceased to be a missionary, many of them were grieved and felt his absence. In monastic life, he never gave the least problem. He was deeply pious, obedient to the superiors, quiet, faithful to his duties and friendly to his brethren. He always displayed great patience in his illnesses, during which he was often obliged to stay in bed. When he improved, he celebrated Holy Masses with great devotion and attended worship in the Palmarian Cathedral-Basilica. He accepted all orders smilingly and submissively. At night, the 3rd of December 2007 having begun, then living the normal life, he was praying the community prayers with the other Religiosos in the Chapel, and had a stroke when about to retire to his cell. Holy Extreme Unction was administered to him, and a little later he entered into coma. Pope Saint Peter II the Great visited him on several occasions and imparted the Apostolic Blessing to him. Saint Josaphat Mary of the Holy Face died a holy death in the monastery of the Carmelites of the Holy Face in the Sacred Place of El Palmar de Troya, on Tuesday the 4th of December 2007. On the following day, 5th of December, he was buried in the Crypt of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar. Canonized by Pope Saint Peter II the Great on the 1st of January 2008.
Święty Justo Maria od Świętej Twarzy i Niepokalanego Serca Marii
Apostoł Mariański. Biskup. Religijny Zakonu Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy w Towarzystwie Jezusa i Marii. Apostoł Świętej Ofiary Mszy.
Zwany w świecie Jakub Józef Williams, urodził się w Forrestalstown, Clonroche-Wexford, Irlandia, dnia 12 mają 1917. Był synem Józefa Williamsa i Katarzyny Oneil, z którego małżeństwa urodziło się pięcioro dzieci. Święty Justo Maria pobierał swe pierwsze nauki w Irlandii i także część średnich, kończąc te ostatnie w roku 1936, w szkole Białych Ojców w Anglii. Potem poszedł do Belgii, gdzie uczynił dwa lata filozofii w seminarium Białych Ojców. Potem był przez nich wysłany do Argielii na kontynencie afrykańskim.
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W Maison-Caree, miasta Argel, uczynił rok nowicjatu od roku 1938 do roku 1939. Po skończeniu nowicjatu był posłany do miasta Cartago, w Tunezji, gdzie studiował Teologię w Seminarium Białych Ojców. Był wyświęcony Kapłanem dnia 11 kwietnia roku 1943 przez Biskupa Cartago, podczas Drugiej Wojny Światowej, kiedy północną Afrykę okupowali Niemcy. Później, tego samego roku, z nadejściem aliantów i pomocą Kapelana castrense (Ojców Białych) wojsk angielskich, Irlandczycy mogli wyjść z północy Afryki do Anglii i Irlandii. Ale Święty Justo Maria odszedł do Nigerii, przybywając dnia 7 grudnia 1943. Był przeznacony do prefektury apostolskiej w Dyo, później Diecezji, gdzie wykonał wielką misję jako proboszcz w parafii miasta Ilesha, dwieście kilometrów od Lagos. W roku 1951, Święty Justo Maria był za pozwoleniem w Anglii z powodu choroby i w miesiącu czerwcu rzeczonego roku, z powodu nakazu lekarza, musiał zostać kilka miesięcy dłużej niż miał pozwolenie. W Londynie był mianowany jako pomocnik w parafii Heston, gdzie spotkał po raz pierwszy, późniejszego Biskupa w Zakonie Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy, Świętego Scholastyka Maria, który także był pomocnikiem w tej samej parafii. Święty Justo Maria był pomocnikiem parafialnym w Heston przez trzy miesiące. Potem pełnił funkcję skarbnika w seminarium filozofii Białych Ojców, w Londynie, przez trzy miesiące; a później przeszedł do Irlandii na rozpoczęcie tam budowli pierwszego domu tego zakonu. Pod koniec roku 1952, Święty Justo Maria był drugi raz wysłany do Nigerii jako misjonarz, rządząc tą samą parafią w Ilesha, którą miał przedtem. Dnia 28 lipca 1972, miał straszny wypadek samochodowy. Pod koniec roku 1975, świecki młodzieniec, który otrzymał posłania z El Palmar de Troya-Sewilla, Hiszpania, poszedł wysłuchać Mszę w parafii Ilesha, gdzie rządził Święty Justo Maria, który w tym momencie głosił kazanie przeciwko progresizmowi demolującym Kościół Rzymski, mówiąc, oprócz tego, że jedynym środkiem zaradczym na powstrzymanie takiego zła jest modlitwa i pokuta. Po tym kazaniu, młodzieniec skontaktował się z Świętym Justo i zapytał czy on czytał coś o przekazach z El Palmar. On odpowiedział, że nie wiedział czegokolwiek o tym miejscu i że przemawiał według boskiego natchnienia. Młodzieniec wręczył Świętemu Justo Maria, do czytania, pewne przekazy z Objawień Najświętszej Dziewicy Marii w El Palmar de Troya, otrzymane przez widzącego Klemensa Dominguez y Gómez, dziś Papież Święty Grzegorz XVII Największy. W miesiącu czerwcu roku 1976, Święty Justo Maria był wysłany na wakacje do Irlandii. Skoro miał wielkie pragnienie odwiedzić Święte Miejsce w El Palmar de Troya, uczynił to 16 lipca tego samego roku. Dnia 27 lipca, kiedy jeszcze był w El Palmar, Nasz Pan Jezus Chrystus, przez wtedy Ojca Klemensa, dziś Papież Święty Grzegorz XVII Największy, powiedział odnosząc do Świętego Justo, którego imię w świecie jest Jakub: „Ojciec Jakub jest przyjęty w tym momencie do Zakonu Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy. Zakon Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy: Największy, który ktoś mógłby sobie wyobrazić. Ten rozmnoży się jak piasek na pustyni. Potrzeba, aby tej nocy, po kolacji, był konsekrowany Biskupem”. Tej samej nocy, już 28 lipca owego roku 1976, Biskup Prymas Ojciec Klemens, dziś Papież Święty Grzegorz XVII udzielił Episkopatu, nowemu biskupowi, po złożeniu wieczystych ślubów, w Kaplicy Domu Generalnego Zakonu w Sewilli. Podczas prawie dwudziestu trzech lat, które jeszcze mu pozostały do życia, Święty Justo Maria, oprócz religijnego przykładu, był pilnym Biskupem swej trzody w różnych diecezjach palmariańskich, do których był przeznaczony: w Hiszpanii: Valladolid, Vascongadas, Granada, Walencja i Barcelona. Poza Hiszpanią: Anglia, Szkocja i Walia. W roku 1991 został już definitywnie w Sewilli. Tam był przełożonym jednego z konwentów zakonników od 9 września 1992 do 1 sierpnia 1994. Aż do śmierci, życie Świętego Justo Maria było wzorem posłuszeństwa oddania i uległości woli bożej. Pomimo swego silnego charakteru, może trochę szorstki, był szlachetny, skromny, uprzejmy z innymi. Był zawsze bardzo dokładny w jego sprawach i o wielkim duchu modlitwy i ofiary. Dopóki jego drowie pozwalało, prowadził życie religijne z całym rygorem reguły, chodząc codziennie do Bazyliki Katedralnej w El Palmar i celebrando tak tam jak i w konwencie Sewilli największą ilość Mszy Świętych dozwolonych. Kiedy jego choroba się wzmogła, Kapelan celebrował we wszystkie dni Msze Święte w jego celi i udzielał Świętej Komunii. I także otrzymywał często Święty Sakrament Ostatniego Namaszczenia. Święty Justo Maria w wieku osiemdziesięciu jeden lat, zmarł w Sewilli, w Domu Papieskim dnia 2 marca 1999. Był pochowany po dwóch dniach w krypcie Bazyliki Katedralnej Naszej Matki w El Palmar Koronowanej. Kanonizowany przez Papieża Świętego Grzegorza XVII Największego dnia 4 kwietnia 1999.
Święty Leandro Maria od Świętej Twarzy i Dzieciątka Jezus
Apostoł Mariański. Biskup. Religijny Zakonu Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy w Towarzystwie Jezusa i Marii. Doktor. Protektor Świętej Stolicy Palmariańskiej.
Zwany w świecie Camilo Estévez Puga,urodził się 15 czerwca 1924 w Maside, Carballino-Orense, Hiszpania. Był synem Franciszka Estévez y Estévez i Protazji Puga Gutiérrez, o głębokiej religijności i dobrej pozycji ekonomicznej. Pan błogosławił dwa małżeństwa ojca, gdyż z pierwszej żony miał dwoje dzieci; a po owdowieniu, ożenił się z siostrą pierwszej żony, z którą miał ośmioro dzieci, z których szóstym był Święty Leandro.
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Święty Leandro Maria studiował w seminarium diecezji Orense. Był wyświęcony Kapłanem, w rzeczonym seminarium, dnia 17 czerwca 1951, przez Biskupa D. Franciszka Blanco Najera, i celebrował, z głębokim nabożeństwem, swoją pierwszą Mszę dnia 8 lipca 1951 w kościele parafialnym Świętego Michała de Armeses, który był wypełniony wiernymi. Rządził różnymi parafiami, między innymi tą Świętego Jana de Rairiz de Veiga jako proboszcz Arcyprist. Za pomocą jego apostolatu, wszyscy doznali wielkiej przemiany duchowej; oprócz tego, osiągnął zamknięcie, w kolejnych wioskach zamknięcie, sale tańca i przeszkodził otwarciu innych, pomimo oporu ze strony pewnych osób. Zrobił wielki wysiłek, aby w jego parafiach, parafianie praktykowali komunie naprawiające w pierwsze piątki i pierwsze soboty miesiąca. W tym celu, za pomocą wielkiej donacji z własnego posiadania nabył pomoc pewnego ojca religijnego podczas tych dni; w ten sposób, liczne osoby dorosłe, i prawie wszystkie dzieci ze szkół praktykowali te specjalne nabożeństwa do Najświętszych Serc Jezusa i Marii. Także zajął się bardzo pilnie, aby miesiąc maj dedykowano specjalnie ćwiczeniu „Kwiatów Marii”, a miesiąc październik ćwiczeniu „Miesiąca Różańca”; ku czemu czynił specjalne kulty eucharystyczne i mariańskie w swych parafiach. Obecność wiernych w Świętej Mszy niedzielnej była bardzo liczna. Świętą Mszę celebrował bardzo wcześnie celem umożliwienia swoim parafianom łatwiejszej obecności. W niedzielę i inne dni świąteczne, celebrował cztery Msze: Dwie w kościele parafialnym Rairiz, jedną w pustelni odległej dwa kilometry, a czwartą w innej parafii. Święty Leandro Maria wysilał się bardzo pilnie, aby jego parafianie otrzymali najlepszą pomoc w konfesjonale. Odczuwał wielką miłość na ćwiczenie Sakramentu Pokuty, któremu poświęcał długie godziny. Był bardzo staranny w nauczaniu katechizmu; dla którego używał ścisłej kontroli obecności i różnych metod pedagogicznych. Nade wszystko kładł wielki nacisk na przygotowanie dzieci do Pierwszej Komunii i tych sposobiących się do przyjęcia Sakramentu Małżeństwa. Liczne powołania kapłańskie i religijne obojga płci wyłoniły się w jego parafiach, szczególnie w tej ostatniej, gdzie był najwięcej czasu. Zawsze wśród jego parafian były dusze duchowo podniesione. Sam Biskup diecezji stawiał czasem Świętego Leandra na wzór Proboszcza, w jego pasterskiej wizycie innym proboszczom. Święty Leandro Maria w swej pracy jako Proboszcz prowadził życie bardzo staranne. Oprócz Świętej Mszy, Świętego Różańca codziennie i codziennych wizyt do Najświętszego Sakramentu, dedykował we wszystkie noce dwie lub trzy godziny przed Tabernakulum, co przydało mu reumatyzmu. Zwykł spowiadać się co najmniej raz w tygodniu. Praktykował dwukrotnie w miesiącu ćwiczenia Świętego Ignacego; i corocznie czynił, w Orense, kurs ćwiczeń duchowych piętnastu dni. Jeśli zdrowie pozwoliło, spał na szerokiej desce, biczował się w pewnych okazjach i nosił włosiennicę. Miał wielki interes dostosowania do potrzeb swego stanu kapłańskiego. Planem jego życia było prawdziwe ubóstwo. Żył oddany modlitwie, apostolstwu, aktom kultu i książkom. Swe posiadanie oddawał absolutnie apostolstwu i dziełom miłosierdzia. Zazwyczaj jego spowiednikiem i kierownikiem duchowym był religijny wielki mistyk, który kierował wiele duszami obojga płci, przede wszystkim konwentów. Święty Leandro Maria odwiedził po raz pierwszy Święte Miejsce Objawień w El Palmar de Troya-Sewilla, Hiszpania, dnia 15 sierpnia 1971. Skoro był szczerego serca i było w nim pragnienie czcić Boga i Jego Najświętszą Matkę, Dziewicę Marię, od postawienia swoich stóp w El Palmar, został do dyspozycji tego Świętego Dzieła, akceptując Niebieskie Przekazy, szczególnie te otrzymane przez widzącego Klemensa Dominguez y Gómez, dziś Papież Święty Grzegorz XVII Największy. Chociaż Święty Leandro nadal wykonywał misję Proboszcza w Rairiz de Veiga, w Orense, podróżował w oznaczonych datach do Świętego Miejsca w El Palmar de Troya, aby celebrować Świętą Mszę i pomagać duchowo wielu zwolennikom tego Objawienia. Skoro był osobą odważną i zdecydowaną, która szukała zawsze chwały Boga, kiedy był w El Palmar wykonywał swój urząd kapłański, bez oglądania się na ludzi, co mogłaby myśleć i mówić Hierarchia Kościelna w Sewilli w owym czasie, lub ta w Orense, lub jakakolwiek inna osoba religijna lub świecka. Należy wziąć pod uwagę, że już wtedy było wielu wrogów Objawień w El Palmar, którym trzeba było nawet codziennie stawić czoło, aby móc bronić sprawę Świętego Miejsca. Święty Leandro zawsze miał odwagę na wykonanie, aż do najmniejszego szczegółu, co Pan i Dziewica nakazali w Swoich Przekazach. Święty Leandro Maria, po bolesnym wysiłku i heroicznym postanowieniu, nie słuchając mylnych rad Biskupa Orense i innych hierarchów, jak i krewnych i przyjaciół, stawiając czoło wszystkim niesprawiedliwym groźbom kary kanonicznej, zostawił swoją parafię w Rairiz de Veiga, aby odejść definitywnie do El Palmar, przybywając do Sewilli dnia 9 października 1975. W ostatecznym oderwaniu się z parafii na pójście do El Palmar, skorzystał z dzielnej pomocy wtedy Carmelo Pacheco Sanchez, dziś Święty Eliasz Maria od Świętej Twarzy który udał się do Rairiz de Veiga, aby dać mu definitywny impuls i pomóc w przygotowaniu do przeniesienia się do Sewilli. Przed odejściem ze swej parafii, jego parafianie uczcili go z serdecznym pożegnaniem, manifestując jak wiele mu zawdzięczali, chcieli i prosili go, aby nie odchodził. Święty Leandro stał się religijny Zakonu Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy dnia 23 grudnia 1975, dnia w którym był założony przez wtedy Klemensa Dominguez y Gómez, dziś Papież Święty Grzegorz XVII Największy. Dnia 11 stycznia 1976, był konsekrowany Biskupem w Świętym Miejscu El Palmar, przez Arcybiskupa Świętego Piotra Marcina Ngo Dinh Thuc, razem z wtedy Ojcem Klemensem Dominguez i Gómez, z wtedy Ojcem Manuelem Alonso Corral, dziś Jego Świątobliwość Papież Piotr II i dwóch Kapłanów więcej. Święty Leandro Maria dał wielkie dowody walecznego szacunku woli Boga, znosząc bez wahania wszystkie prześladowania przeciwko członkom powstałego Zakonu Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy, wykonanego przez niektórych wysokich hierarchów Rzymskiego Kościoła: szczególnie przez Ludwika Dadaglio, Apostolskiego Nuncjusza Papieża Świętego Pawła VI, przez kardynała arcybiskupa Sewilli, Bueno Monreal, maksymalnego promotora prześladowania, przez jego pomocniczych biskupów i różnych kapłanów. Święty Leandro Maria był całkowicie przekonany, że Kapłańskie Święcenia i Episkopalne Konsekracje w El Palmar, były przez dyspozycje Boga i liczyły się ze zgodą wtedy Zastępcy Chrystusa Papieża Świętego Pawła VI. Życie Świętego Leandra we wspólnocie Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy biegło realizując prace profesorskie wśród religijnych, ojców soborowych, na Świętym Soborze Palmariańskim i Świętym Synodzie Palmariańskim, w kierowaniu i kontrolowaniu różnych misji jemu zleconych. Wyróżnił się przez swój urząd jako spowiednik i duchowy kierownik niektórych religijnych i wiernych. We wszystkich jego pracach, zawsze oddawał się z całym sercem i maksymalną dokładnością, czasem z lepszym skutkiem, czasem z mniejszym. Charakterystyczne Świętego Leandra Maria w jego życiu religijnym była jego stała lojalność i serdeczna miłość Papieża Świętego Grzegorza XVII Największego, jego wierność w wykonywaniu Świętych Reguł i szacunek dla innych przełożonych. Był zawsze osobą wiele modlitw. I chociaż nie można przemilczeć w nim niektóre rzadkości widoczne na widoku innych religijnych, które ludzkie mizerie nigdy przekreślały jego wielkie i heroiczne cnoty. Jego intensywna miłość Boga, Najświętszej Dziewicy Marii, Świętej Matki Kościoła i Papieża były jakościami, które zawsze jaśniały w jego życiu. Ostatnie lata życia Świętego Leandra Maria były o wielkim cierpieniu z powodu zaawansowanej cukrzycy i deformację przez nadmierne poszerzenie jego serca, które mu utrudniały jakąkolwiek działalność fizyczną. Ale pomimo tego, starał się wykonywać normalnie życie wspólnoty aż było absolutnie niemożliwe. Ostatnie miesiące jego życia były dla niego niewymownym cierpieniem, które ofiarował Bogu z wielką hojnością, chociaż równocześnie pragnął odejść do Niego możliwie rychło o co prosił z wielką pokorą i szacunkiem Boskiej Woli. Kiedy już nie mógł celebrować Świętych Mszy, różni Kapelani celebrowali w jego celi i udzielali Świętej Komunii. Oprócz tego otrzymywał dosyć często Ostatnie Namaszczenie. Święty Leandro Maria, po krótkim polepszeniu się w jego chorobie, zapadł niezmiernie poważnie rano w dniu swej śmierci. Kapelan celebrował w jego celi Mszę Świętą i udzielił Świętej Komunii, którą chory przyjął z wielką trudnością. Także udzielono mu Ostatniego Namaszczenia. Podczas konania wykazywał zawsze wielki spokój, a jego życie powoli gasło, aż zmarł po południu dnia 2 marca 1997. Był pochowany następnego dnia w krypcie Bazyliki Katedralnej Naszej Matki w El Palmar Koronowanej. Kanonizowany i ogłoszony Doktorem Kościoła przez Papieża Świętego Grzegorza XVII Największego dnia 4 marca 1997.
Saint Malachias Mary of the Holy Face and of Mary
Marian Apostle. Bishop. Religioso of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face in Company of Jesus and Mary. Victim Soul.
In the world, Thomas St Olan Healy, he was born on the 5th of September 1915 in Clonmoyle, Cork, Ireland. His father was called Thomas John Healy, and his mother Abigail née McCarthy, and six children were born to their marriage. Saint Malachias relates that his family was very Catholic and that they prayed the Holy Rosary together daily, after which his father added other prayers which almost became another Rosary; especially in Holy Lent, during which the precepts of the Church were kept with all rigour, and special penances were performed.
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Saint Malachias Mary’s father was the owner of a country property and a flour-mill. Saint Malachias mentions this detail in his life story because, when four years old, he fell from the mill, dashing his head violently against the ground, and was unconscious for three days, between life and death; he suffered much from this later as a result of the tremendous headaches he had. He also said that an aunt of his, who was a teacher in London, came to his home and touched a relic of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem, which she had, to Saint Malachias’s injured head, and the pain instantly disappeared. As his father was also the church organist, he inspired Saint Malachias Mary with a deep inclination to music, so that he sent him to a Cork school to learn this art. At fourteen years of age, Saint Malachias made the decision to become a Priest; but as he had leanings to the missionary life, he entered the minor seminary of Saint Finbarr, and then went on to the major seminary, and was ordained Priest by the Archbishop in Galway, Ireland, on the 21st of December 1938. Shortly after his ordination, he left for the United Sates of North America, in the year 1939, to reside in the college of Saint Columban in Omaha, Nebraska, founded by an uncle of his, Father E. J. McCarthy. From there he was sent to China, thus beginning his missionary life, though he stayed there only a few months; as in that same year 1939 he went to the Philippines, carrying out his missionary labour in different parts of the islands: Luzon, Manila, and so forth. In the region of Mindanao, he suffered greatly from the heat, as that region is one of the hottest places in the Philippines. He also lived in the diocese of Tango, where there were forty thousand Catholics, which in other times had been under the Spanish missionaries, and at his arrival was ruled by the Jesuits, with whom he worked a great deal. In this diocese, many events took place which showed Saint Malachias Mary’s missionary ability and zeal for souls. He recounted the following episode: one day he was informed that two protestants had just arrived in their diocese to found an academy, which the zone lacked. He then, without money and without premises, went to the local mayor, explaining the problem, and the town council itself offered to found the first Catholic academy. The protestants, however, succeeded in founding another school, but without success, as a short time later Saint Malachias’s academy had one hundred and twenty-five pupils, was approved by the government and adorned with a beautiful library; on the other hand, the protestant academy only reached eight pupils, without government approval. Saint Malachias Mary, then, carried out great works for the good of Catholicism in Philippines, with heroic valour bearing up with the great sacrifices which travelling meant for him; on the majority of occasions he had to go by boat or on horseback. During his stay in Philippines, he was overtaken by World War II, which was also a suitable opportunity for him to display his great ability and spirit of sacrifice. More than once he was surprised by bombing attacks while celebrating Holy Mass. For two years he had just one litre of wine for celebrating the Holy Sacrifice, and could only use one spoonful for each Mass. In the famous American book “Mister Roberts”, which speaks of World War II, there are details of Saint Malachias’s patriotism during the conflict; among them, that he was prisoner of the Japanese, though he was later freed on presenting his Irish passport. In prison, he was barbarously tortured, with serious health consequences for the rest of his life. In the year 1947, after seven years in the Philippines, Saint Malachias returned to the United States, and carried out missionary work in several parishes. In the year 1951, he was named director of vocations, an office he first performed in the College of Saint Columban, Omaha, Nebraska, and three years later in New York, where he settled. During the years he held the post of director of vocations, he gave free rein to his ardent zeal for the sanctification of souls, dedicating himself besides with all enthusiasm to travelling, giving talks, and so forth. This mission was so demanding that, in the year 1959, he requested a change of duty, and was assigned the post of chaplain to the Mother House of the Mothers of Saint John the Baptist; and ten years later, he was transferred to the Sanctuary of Mother Saint Elizabeth Anne Seton née Bayley, in Manhattan, New York. He also travelled several times to Rome to follow study courses. In the year 1972, when progressivism was ravaging the Roman Church, he separated from his Bishop’s authority, as the prelate followed the 'novus ordo’ of the Mass and was all in favour of progressivism. Saint Malachias with all courage made a stand against him, and joined another Bishop of traditional outlook. Thanks to the great diffusion of the messages of El Palmar de Troya, Seville, Spain, across the United States, not only by post, but also by way of talks given throughout the country by the then Clemente Domínguez y Gómez, today Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, Saint Malachias Mary had the opportunity to learn about El Palmar, receiving sufficient light to see that the truth was in this Sacred Place, and that only in El Palmar was it possible to keep to the traditional doctrine of the Church. In the year 1976, Saint Malachias went to Seville, Spain, in response to the call from Our Lord Jesus Christ to all Priests in defence of Tradition to swell the ranks of the new Community of the Carmelites of the Holy Face. On the 8th of October that same year he was consecrated Bishop by the then Father Clemente, today Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great. On this occasion, the Father General of the Order received a message in which the Most Holy Virgin Mary displayed Her lively desire that Saint Malachias Mary enter the Order as a Religioso, and thus console Her Immaculate Heart. Saint Malachias, though he never forgot the worth of those words of his dear Heavenly Mother, nonetheless did not wish to enter then as a Religioso, but to stay for the time being as a secular Priest, so as not to burden the Community owing to his many illnesses. Hence, shortly after being consecrated, he left for Miami, Florida, United States. On the 5th of September 1979, his sixty-fourth birthday, Saint Malachias entered the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face as a Religioso, and remained in Seville until his death. When he entered and received the name of Malachias, he wanted to add that of Mary, so as to be called Malachias Mary, a desire that was fulfilled six months later when all the members of the Order received this second name. On the 24th of October 1979, he took his perpetual vows. Regarding his entry as a Religioso into the Order, he disclosed: “When I came to El Palmar, I made a vow to God to detach myself from my relatives and friends, as also to forget completely all I had previously done for the good of the Church, to give myself up to God in body and soul in this Order.” One proof of this sweeping decision is the letter he wrote to his brother Michael, a roman priest, on the 11th of July 1986: “Dear Michael: how often in my writings, my letters, have I asked you not to come to Seville to visit me. To come on a visit just to speak of human affairs is now valueless to me. I believe I have written my ideas down quite clearly. This does not mean that I love you any the less. Human affairs are passing things. My words, Our Lord said, will never pass. With every blessing. Olan.” This letter was delivered by a member of the Order to Saint Malachias’s brother when he tried to visit him in the Seville monastery, since Saint Malachias flatly refused to receive and talk with his above mentioned brother Michael; who, to achieve his purpose, had recourse to the police and the judiciary, with the consequent suffering for the Order. By such means, Saint Malachias Mary was forced to receive his brother, who was completely crushed and humiliated by Saint Malachias, as with all courage he told him in the presence of the police that he did not wish to see him and that he should never bother him again. Saint Malachias Mary had considerable knowledge of medicine and other sciences, among them graphology; he also played the piano, the organ and the violin. As a Religioso of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, he stood out for his excellent spiritual life, his great strictness and sensibility in the fulfilment of the holy rules, and his extraordinary veneration for Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great. He was deeply devoted to the Holy Face, which he said, with much wit, we should imitate, and each close eyes and mouth, so as not to see our neighbours faults and not to criticize or judge anyone badly. About one year and a half before his death, in the Eucharistic procession in El Palmar, he heard a voice asking him: “Do you want to suffer for Me?” He answered the Lord that he did, unconditionally. Shortly afterwards the symptoms of the fearful Paget’s disease of the bones appeared, which daily increased, so that he was forced to stay in bed up till his death. When on his sickbed, he bore the inconveniences of his illness with resignation and sweetness. He was never heard to complain, and when visited by other Religiosos of the monastery, he received them smilingly, as though nothing were the matter. On one occasion, he told the doctor that if he prescribed medicines, they should be to cure him and not to relieve pain. Saint Malachias Mary made use of his illness to unite himself ever more closely to God, to the great edification of all. In spite of his sufferings, from his bed he closely followed the discussions of the Holy, Great, Dogmatic First Palmarian Council, which he revered with great faith. He also took an interest in the Community’s problems. In the last days leading up to his death, he asked for the Dogmas which Pope Gregory XVII had recently defined; and when he read them replied: “These are words from another world” (meaning that the doctrine came from Heaven); he particularly showed his admiration when the dogmas were read to him on the omnipresence and omniscience which the blessed will acquire. Despite prostration in bed and great pain, he often sat up to celebrate Holy Mass, and was nearly always to be seen with the rosary in his hand, praying with great devotion. Those who assisted him at the moment of death, were struck with admiration at the sweetness of his countenance on expiring, and at the serenity which shone out once he had passed from this world to Heavenly Glory. Saint Malachias Mary died on Sunday the 19th of October 1986, Feast of the Eternal Father, at seventy-one years of age, in the Mother House of the Religiosos in Seville, Spain. He was buried in the cemetery of San Fernando in Seville, Spain, on the 20th of October 1986, and translated to the Crypt of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar on the 26th of October 1989. Canonized by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great on the 2nd of March 1987.
Saint Mary Gregoria of the Holy Face and of Mary Auxiliatrix
Marian Apostle. Religiosa of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face in Company of Jesus and Mary. Victim Soul. Adoratrix of Christ in the Tabernacle.
In the world, Maria Othilia Wilhelmina Schmidt, she was born on the 6th of January 1893, in Klein Hoschütz, Silesia, Poland, a village which completely disappeared in World War II. Her parents were Franz and Ana Schmidt.
She studied to become a language teacher, and on finishing her studies entered the Order of Sister Teachers in 1917. She took her temporal vows in the year 1918 and perpetual vows in the year 1925. She spent the years of World War I in Breslau, where there was a great shortage of foodstuffs. Her only sister died of hunger. Saint Mary Gregoria spent sixty-two years in her Order, and having received the messages and documents of Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, became perfectly aware that he was the true Pope, so that she decided to leave her convent and enter the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face. Besides, she could not accept the masonic “novus ordo” of the Mass.
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While she was in the airport waiting for the plane to Seville, Spain, her Mother Provincial arrived to persuade her to return to her convent. But she replied: “I would rather die!” Saint Mary Gregoria entered the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face on the 26th of August 1979. She took her temporal vows on the 23rd of November 1979 and her perpetual vows on the 2nd of March 1982. She had very poor health, but made wonderful efforts to live the Community life, going from Seville to El Palmar de Troya as often as she could. She always had a burning desire to learn the Spanish language, and very quickly learned to pray all the Palmarian prayers and to translate the Holy Father’s documents. She regularly attended the Spanish class, and until the last week of her life did everything possible to learn the language. Saint Mary Gregoria was an excellent Religiosa, with a marvellous spirit of obedience. When she needed something, while able, she asked for it kneeling. She deeply loved community life and tried to fulfil the Holy Rules to the greatest perfection. She constantly suffered from ill health. As from the year 1982, she could no longer take care of herself, and the special mission of always accompanying Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament was commended to her. Every morning she was lifted up bodily and placed in a wheelchair for Holy Mass. After breakfast she was taken to the Chapel again where she stayed in adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament until shortly before lunch. She prayed continually and sang all the hymns of El Palmar. She often spoke with the Lord out loud when alone: “Jesus, I am so happy to be with You! Now You are not alone.” In the evening, when unable to travel from Seville to the Basilica of El Palmar, she was again taken to the Chapel, and stayed there before the Tabernacle until midnight, when the Community arrived from El Palmar. She spent practically the whole day before the Most Holy Sacrament, praying very specially for the Church, for the Pope and for the Order. Such was her joy at always accompanying the Sacramental Jesus, and the responsibility she felt for carrying out this duty, that when it was not possible to take her down to the Chapel at once, she reminded the other Religiosas of her obligation towards the Most Holy Sacrament. She led a very intense interior life, felt great predilection for the exercise of the Holy Viacrucis, and observed almost continual silence. As she earnestly desired to go to the Basilica of El Palmar every day, which was not always possible, she often used to exclaim: “I am no longer capable of travelling to El Palmar. But when I am in Heaven, I will go every day. Oh! How beautiful is El Palmar!” She made one of her last visits to the Sacred Place in September of the year 1985. It was a day on which Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great preached. She, brimming over with pleasure and quite upright in her wheelchair, listened to the Pope’s words with exceeding joy, endeavouring with all her heart to understand them. The closer the day of her death approached, the greater became her vehement desire to go to Heaven. As from the 3rd of December 1985, she was unable to leave her bed again. On the 15th of December 1985, she surrendered her soul to God while the Religiosas prayed at her bedside, in the Mother House of the Nuns in Seville. Before her death, Saint Mary Gregoria made known that the Most Holy Virgin Mary had visited her. She was buried on the 16th of December 1985 in the San Fernando cemetery in Seville, Spain, and translated to the Crypt of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar on the 11th of October 1989. Canonized by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great on the 20th of February 1986.
Święta Maria Martina od Świętej Twarzy i Najświętszego Serca Jezusa
Apostołka Mariańska. Religijna Zakonu Świętej Twarzy w Towarzystwie Jezusa i Marii. Dusza Ofiarna.
Zwana w świecie Elżbieta Fisbeck, urodziła się dnia 19 października 1898, w Oberhausen-Nadrenia, Niemcy. Jej rodzice nazywali się German Fisbeck i Elżbieta Rath. Była pierwsza z ośmioro dzieci. Jej rodzice byli głęboko pobożni, i wszczepili swoim dzieciom wielką miłość do Świętej Matki Kościoła i do Papieża. Święta Maria Martina, od dzieciństwa, czuła powołanie do życia religijnego, ale chwilowo musiała rezygnować ze swego pragnienia, z powodu złego zdrowia, jako że cierpiała ostrą astmę.
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Pracowała w handlu swego ojca; i jako starsza córka, jaką była, miała odpowiedzialność za wszelkie prace warsztatu w tym handlu, który był wielki. W roku 1929, w wieku trzydziestu jeden lat, była przyjęta do instytutu misyjnego ostatnio założonego: Naszej Pani Misji. Pięć miesięcy postulatu odbyła we Friburgu, Szwajcaria. Potem była w domu Matki, w Hastings, Anglia, gdzie odbyła nowicjat, uczyniła swe śluby i żyła więcej niż dwadzieścia lat, zajmując wiele ważnych pozycji w Instytucie. W roku 1949, wróciła do Szwajcarii i urządziła się we Friburgu, opiekując się studentami Uniwersytetu tego miasta. W 1954 przeniosła się do Lyonu, Frencja, gdzie opiekowała się domem dla ociemniałych., wykonując wspaniały apostolat. Podczas dwudziestu pięciu lat pobytu w Lyonie, widziała jak zaczął się w Kościele straszny modernizm. Piękna dawna kaplica jej konwentu była całkowicie zmodernizowana, podobizny wyrzucone i zniszczone. Święta Maria Martina cierpiała okropne męczeństwo widząc samozniszczenie Świętej Matki Kościoła, którego tak kochała i wiernie służyła. Ale pokładała całą swą ufność w Najświętszej Dziewicy Marii. Pewnego dnia 16 lipca, święto Dziewicy z Karmelu, widziała w skrzynce pocztowej wielką kopertę adresowaną do niej od nieznanego nadawcy. Zawierała posłania z El Palmar de Troya-Sewilla, Hiszpania, dane wtedy Klemensowi Dominguez, dziś Papież Święty Grzegorz XVII. Była dla niej wielką radością ta lektura przekazów i płakała z uciechy, mówiąc: „Jak dobra jest Matka Boga!” Napisała do swej rodziny, aby spowodowali przysyłanie przekazów z El Palmar z Niemiec, wierząc we wszystko co czytała. Pewnego dnia otrzymała dekret Papieża Grzegorza XVII, który zobowiązywał zakonników i zakonnic do opuszczenia swoich konwentów celem wstąpienia do Zakonu Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy. Natychmiast ona potajemnie się przygotowała. O piątej godzinie rano, kiedy wszyscy spali, wezwała taxi, i potem wzięła pociąg z Francji do Niemiec, gdzie zamieszkala ze swoją rodziną aż zorganizowała wszystko na podróż do El Palmar. Dnia 26 marca 1979 Santa Maria Martina wstąpiła do Zakonu Karmeltów Świętej Twarzy. Od pierwszego momentu, okazywała wszystkim innym religijnym swoją wielką miłość i wiarę w Papiestwo Świętego Grzegorza XVII i misję wielkiego Zakonu Ostatnich Czasów, do którego już należała. Ta miłość i ogień wzrastały dzień po dniu. Często powtarzała, że potrzeba często czytać dużo Dokumenty Ojca Świętego w języku hiszpańskim, ponieważ w nich przekazuje się ogień Najwyższego Pontyfa. Święta Maria Martina uczyniła swe wieczyste śluby 23 listopada 1982. Była doskonałą zakonnicą o wyjątkowej miłości i szacunkiem dla przełożonych. Z powodu niezmiernie delikatnego zdrowia, cierpiała wielką trudność w oddychaniu, która czyniła z jej życia ustawiczne i prawdziwe męczeństwo. Pomimo to wyróżniała się doskonałą wiernością w wykonywaniu swoich codziennych obowiązków. Prowadziła życie religijne heroicznie aż do swej śmierci w całopaleniu o tryumf Świętej Matki Kościoła i Papieża. Święta Maria Martina, po otrzymaniu Ostatnich Sakramentów i Błogosławieństwa Jego Świątobliwości, oddała swoją duszę Bogu dnia 2 stycznia 1987. Kanonizowana przez Papieża Świętego Grzegorza XVII Największego dnia 2 marca 1987. Jest pochowana w krypcie Bazyliki Katedralnej Naszej Matki w El Palmar Koronowanej.
Święta Maria Paula od Świętej Twarzy i od Krzyża
Apostołka Mariańska. Religijna Zakonu Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy w Towarzystwie Jezusa i Marii. Doktora. Mistyczka. Stygmatyzowana. Męczenniczka Duchowa. Protektorka Świętej Stolicy Palmariańskiej.
Święta Maria Paula od Świętej Twarzy i od Krzyża zwana w świecie Maria Katarzyna Pathe urodziła się w Nenagh-Tipperary, Irlandia, dnia 3 sierpnia 1893. Jej rodzicami byli Wilhelm Eugen iusz Pathe i Anastazja OSullivan, zamożni i głęboko Katolicy. Z tego małżeństwa urodziło się trzynaścioro dzieci będąc ona trzecią. Wszystkie otrzymały Chrześcijańskie wychowanie; trzech z nich było kapłanami.
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Święta Maria Paula pobierała swoje pierwsze nauki w szkole rodzinnego miasta; potem studiowała w różnych kolegiach zawodowych, kończąc w Manchester-Anglia, Wielka Brytania. Potem była w Barcelonie, Hiszpania jako wychowanka w rodzinie markizów, będąc ona uważana jako członkini najbardziej szlacheckiej rodziny, obdarzając wielkim uczuciem, które okazywała markiza, wzbudzając w niej wielką miłość do Hiszpanii i Hiszpanów, które Święta Maria Pauła zachowała aż do ostatniego momentu swego życia. Po dwóch latach wróciła do Irlandii z powodu poważnej choroby jej matki. W czasie jej powrotu do Irlandii, powstał Zakon Ojców Kolumbanów, i Święta Maria Paula wzięła odpowiedzialność za całą ich organizację domową, włącznie z seminarzystami. Ta praca była dla niej idealna, gdyż jej szacunek i miłość dla seminarzystów była ogromna, a jej zapał pobudzał do pomagania im nawet duchowo, powodując radość i wiarę swoimi pobożnymi radami. Podcza jej pracy w seminarium, powstała gałąź żeńska Zakonu, a święta ofiarowała siebie jako jego członkini; ale założyciel, po modlitewnej prośbie o światło w tej sprawie, powiedział jej, że jej powołaniem nie było życie religijne, tylko małżeństwo. W roku 1919 Święta Maria Paula wyszła za Wilhelma Wincentego Higginbotham. Potem zamieszukali, gdzie jej małżonek rezydował i pozostali w Dublinie. Z ich małżeństwa, które było bardzo szczęśliwe i głęboko religijne, urodziło się pięcioro dzieci. Święta Maria Paula dedykowała dwadzieścia pięć lat swojego życia w apostolacie Legionu Marii. Jej misją było zbawienie prostytutek i innych kobiet złego życia. Jej miłość i współczucie dla tych ubogich dusz grzesznic była tak wielka, że zdołała nawrócić wiele, gdyż ona sama prowadziła je do konfesjonału, regulowała ich małżeństwa i chrzciła ich dzieci. Oprócz tego odwiedzała je w szpitalach i pomagała im w Chrześcijańskiej śmierci. Podczas tej bolesnej i ciężkiej pracy, doznała wiele ataków demona; ale ona zawsze wzywała protekcji Najświętszej Dziewicy Marii. Święta Maria Paula została wdową w roku 1974. W jej licznych podróżach po Europie i Ameryce, odwiedzała wiele sanktuariów i miejsc objawień mariańskich. Pewnego dnia spotkała w Bilbao jej sąsiada z Dublina, który powiedział jej, że teraz powinna iść do El Palmar de Troya-Sewilla, Hiszpania, jako że to Święte Miejsce było perłą ze wszystkich objawień. Ona odwiedziła El Palmar de Troya. W drugich odwiedzinach tego Świętego Miejsca, poczuła, że Najświętsza Dziewica Maria wzbudziła w niej coś bardo wielkiego w jej wnętrzu, przeto w trzecich odwiedzinach El Palmar de Troya, zdecydowała już tam zostać, czując wielki spokój w jej duszy. Święta Maria Paula wstąpiła do Zakonu Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy, dnia 22 kwietnia 1976, w wieku osiemdziesięciu dwóch lat. Z racji jej wielkiego ducha pokory, dostosowała się bardzo łatwo do życia religijnego, oddając się z ciałem i duszą Panu. Od samego początku, zawsze była bardzo usposobiona wykonywać wszelkie nakazy świętego posłuszeństwa, i oprócz tego akceptowała wszystko bardzo naturalnie. I chociaż w pierwszych momentach swego życia religijnego, odczuwała dużo tęsknoty do swej rodziny i kraju, pomogła jej przetrwać wielka wiara w El Palmar i jej wielka miłość jej świętego powołania. Święta Maria Paula uczyniła swe wieczyste śluby 23 listopada 1979. Miała wielkiego ducha modlitwy i pokuty; i pomimo swego podeszłego wieku, pozostawała zawsze na kolanach podczas długich godzin kultu w Bazylice Katedralnej Palmariańskiej. Czuła specjalną miłość dla Adoracji Nocnej, którą celebrowano we wszystkie soboty. Ona sama, krótko przed swą śmiercią, zwierzyła się innej starszej religijnej, że nigdy w swoim życiu odmówiła Panu czegokolwiek. Zawsze cieszyła się w konwencie dobrym zdrowiem, które pozwoliło jej prowadzić życie we wspólnocie całkowicie normalne. Wielkim darem Świętej Pauli była miłość. Ona kochała bardzo gorąco wszystkich religijnych i wszystkie religijne Zakonu Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy, i modliła się bardzo intensywne o wytrwanie najmłodszych. Jej miłość i cześć dla Papieża Świętego Grzegorza XVII Największego, była niewymowna; i zawsze kiedy mówiła o nim, czyniła to z takim entuzjazmem, że wypełniała swą duszę świętym delirium. Miłość naszego Pana Jezusa Chrystusa i Najświętszej Dziewicy Marii wypełniała jej duszę całkowicie. Listy kierowane do jej rodziny i innych osób, jak i inne jej pisma, przeplatają się wyrażeniami tej boskiej miłości. Czuła prawdziwe szaleństwo miłości Najświętszego Sakramentu i pozostawała blisko Tabernakulum cały czas, kiedy na to pozwoliły jej powinności. Jej życie duchowe było o podniesionym mistycyźmie. Ona sama wymienia w swoich wspomnieniach, bolesne przebicie odczute podczas słuchania Mszy Świętej i jak ona cała została zalana boską miłością, która pobudziła ją do pisania: „O, miłości, która przenika cały mój byt. Mnie upaja uderzeniem tego wielkiego doświadczenia i wołam: O Boże!, nie dziw, że święci umierali z miłości; cierpieniem było cierpieć miłość. O, Boże!, wybacz mi lata spędzone kochaniem rzeczy świata, które teraz widzę próżnością! Tobie ofiaruję moje życie; ale więcej, Kochany Zbawicielu, pragnę wylać każdą kroplę mojej krwi. Czy uznasz mnie godną? Późno Ciebie kochałam! Kiedy kontempluję Twoją Twarz i widzę cierpienie w Twoich Oczach, cierpienie, które nasze grzechy Tobie spowodowały, że moje serce i moja dusza nigdy ustaną krzyczeć: Ciebie kocham, Ciebie kocham, Ciebie kocham! O, Boże Dobroci i Miłosierdzia, ucz nas bardziej i bardziej tajemnic Twojego Krzyża…!” Jest bardzo pięknie czytać w jej pismach o pocieszających odwiedzinach Chrystusa i Marii 29 października rou 1987, kiedy ona znajdowała się w swej celi. Oto jedna z jej nieustannych modlitw: „O, Mario, spójrz w godzinę wyjścia mej duszy, kiedy stracę posiadanie wszystkiego ziemskiego, i zostanę odkryta w obecności mojego Boskiego Odkpiciela. O, wtedy, bądź Moja Matko Tą, która położy nieskończone zasługi Swojego Boskiego Syna na wagę sprawiedliwości, z korzyścią dla mojej duszy. Amen.” Jedna z wielkich darów naturalnych Świętej Marii Pauli, co raz bardziej intensywna przez życie nadnaturalne, była święta radość; która wypływała z jej duszy z takim impetem, że uzewnętrzniała się w sposób nieodparty, i udzielała się ta rodość innym. Na początku roku 1991, zdrowie Świętej Marii Pauli pogorszyło się. Czuła się co raz słabsza i często mówiła o swym bliskim i definitywym odejściu. Czuła wielkie pragnienie pójścia do Nieba. Dnia 22 stycznia miała łagodny udar; i chociaż nastąpiła pewna poprawa, dnia 31 tego miesiąca, powtórzył się z większą intensywnością, zostając sparaliżowana duża część jej ciała. Następnego dnia udzielono jej Ostatnich Sakramentów. Aż do ostatniego momentu swego życia zachowała doskonale swoje zdolności. Kilka dni przed swą śmiercią, powiedziała jednej z zakonnic, że nie popełniła kiedykolwiek w swym życiu grzechu śmiertelnego. Było wzruszające dla religijnych jej pomagających, słuchać jak wzywała Najświętszą Dziewicę Marię, przypominając Jej obietnicę, że przyjdzie odszukać ją, powtarzając z płaczem: „O, Mario, obiecałaś przyjść odszukać mnie, a jeszcze nie przyszłaś!” Z różańcem w ręce, jak ktoś mający silną broń, z wielką stałością, i czuwający jak żołnierz trwała całą noc modląc się. Te, które miały szczęście odwiedzić ją w wigilię jej śmierci, były zbudowane jej wielką zapalczywością i wylewną radością z jaką pragnęła i oczekiwała śmierci, aby iść do Nieba. W niedzielę, dnia 3 lutego 1991, Święta Maria Paula oddała swą duszę Bogu w Domu Generalnym zakonnic w Sewilli, Hiszpania. Była pochowana następnego dnia w krypcie Bazyliki Katedralnej Naszej Matki w El Palmar Koronowanej. Kanonizowana przez Papieża Świętego Grzegorza XVII Największego dnia 5 lutego 1991. Ogłoszona Doktorą Kościoła przez tego samego Papieża dnia 10 stycznia 1998.98.
Święta Maria Petra od Świętej Twarzy i Bolesnego i Niepokalanego Serca Marii
Apostołka Mariańska. Religijna Zakonu Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy w Towarzystwie Jezusa i Marii. Dusza Ofiarna.
Zwana w świecie Elżbieta Brygida Powers, urodziła się dnia 14 sierpnia 1912, w Lynn-Massachusetts, Stany Zjednoczone. Jej rodzice Jakub Powers i Brygida Madden byli Irlandczykami i głęboko Katolikami. Z tego małżeństwa urodziło się dziewięcioro dzieci. Odbyła nauki podstawowe i średnie u Sióstr Naszej Pani z Namur, w kolegium Świętej Marii w West-Lynn.
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W wieku siedmiu lat, na początku w kolegium z zakonnicami, poczuła po raz pierwszy powołanie do zakonu. W szkole średniej, za szczególną opatrznością, uczennice kolegium uczyniły głębokie studium proroctw Świętego Malachiasza o Papieżach. Później było to jej wielką pomocą w natychmiastowym rozpoznaniu prawdziwego Papieża: Jego Świątobliwość Grzegorza XVII. Matka Świętej Marii Petry starała się wszczepić w serca swoich dziewięcioro dzieci cnoty wielkoduszności, poprawności i odwagi, razem z pokorą i potulnością; które Święta Maria Petra umiała wspaniale wykorzystać, jako że praktykowała je ustawicznie przez całe życie, wysłuchując codziennie Świętej Mszy, między innymi wielu nabożeństwami. Przyjęła Pierwszą Komunię w drugim roku kolegium. Jak ona referuje, od tej daty, Jezus Sakramentalny wziął całkowicie w posiadanie jej serce. Dnia 7 marca 1935, Święta Maria Petra wstąpiła do zgromadzenia Sióstr Misjonarek Społeczności Marii w Boston-Massachusetts, Stany Zjednoczone. Stąd posłali ją do Bedford, około dwadzieścia mil od Boston. W roku 1940 była przeznaczona do misji na wyspie Samoa. W tych misjach pracowała przez czterdzieści cztery lata jako profesora w kolegiach swego zgromadzenia. Starała się dobrze przygotować dzieci za pomocą katechizacji i innych pobożnych praktyk, i była wielką apostołką Świętego Różańca. W roku 1978 mogła nabyć książkę po angielsku o Przekazach w El Palmar de Troya-Sewilla, Hiszpania. Dowiedziała się, że widzący Klemens Dominguez, był wyświęcony Kapłanem i konsekrowany Biskupem, jak i o wypadku, w którym stracił wzrok. Pomimo wielokrotnej prośby o więcej informacji o wydarzeniach w El Palmar de Troya, nie otrzymała jakiejkolwiek aż później po pięciu latach. Dnia 11 października 1984, Święta Maria Petra, dowiedziała się po raz pierwszy przez pewne panie należące do grupy modlitwy, że widzący Klemens Dominguez był już Papieżem Grzegorzem XVII, de Gloria Olivae. Natychmiast, z grupą modlitwy, pragnęła być Palmarianką i możliwie być religijną Karmelitanką Świętej Twarzy. Wkrótce przybyło do tej grupy Palmariańskie małżeństwo z Nowej Zelandii, które informowało o wszystkich wydarzeniach w El Palmar de Troya i zapewniła ją, że nie było jakiejkolwiek przeszkody, aby być religijną w El Palmar. Wszyscy tej grupy modlitwy, podziękowali Bogu za ocalenie Kościoła w sposób tak cudowny i za mianowanie Papieża Palmariańskiego. Santa Maria Petra dedykowała się całkowicie głoszeniu, że w El Palmar jest Kościół Katolicki, rozdając wiele propagandy, głównie kapłanom na wyspie Samoa. Odtąd zaczęło się prześladowanie ze strony kardynała i innej hierarchii rzymskiego kościoła na wyspie. Wieli wierzących w El Palmar uległo, nie mając sił na oparcie się tylu przeciwnościom i prześladowaniom. Ale pomimo wszystko, Święta Maria Petra pozostała stanowcza we Wierze Palmariańskiej, przeto kardynał nakazał przenieść ją na wyspy Fiji. To przeniesienie ona przyjęła z wielką przyjemnością, uważając, że będzie pierwszym etapem jej długiej podróży do El Palmar de Troya, aby stać się Karmelitanką Świętej Twarzy. Po święcie Bożego Narodzenia 1984, była wysłana do Boston-Massachusetts, Stany Zjednoczone, i matka prowincjałka powiedziała jej, że wspólnota zapłaci jej bilet do Hiszpanii. Dali jej czekać długi czas z myślą, że zmieni swą decyzję; ale ona pozostała wierna swej decyzji stania się Karmelitanką Świętej Twarzy, przeto matka prowincjałka kupiła jej bilet na podróż do Hiszpanii. Święta Maria Petra przybyła do Sewilli marca 1985, wstępując tego samego dnia jako religijna do Zakonu Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy. Złożyła swe wieczyste śluby 23 listopada 1989. Była zawsze wzorową religijną i bardzo pilną w Świętych Regułach. Była silnego charakteru, ale ustawicznie walczyła, aby panować nad sobą; w sposób, że stała się tak uległa jak dziecko wszystkim nakazom jej przełożonych. Jej miłość do El Palmar i Zastępcy Chrystusa Papieża Świętego Grzegorza XVII Największego, była ogromna. Zawsze dziękowała Bogu i Najświętszej Dziewicy Marii za przyjście do El Palmar. Mówiła, że El Palmar jest przedsionkiem Nieba. Miała wielką miłość dla wszystkich sióstr i nigdy słyszano ją krytykującej innych. Nigdy sądziła innych, chociażby traktowano ją mało delikatnie, będąc bardzo uprzejmą. Posiadała niebieską radość, którą promieniowała całym jej bytem. Była wzorem posłuszeństwa. W ostatnich latach swego życia, Święta Maria Petra cierpiała straszne bóle na całym swym ciele, z powodu wielkiej deswiacji kolumny bez narzekania kiedykolwiek, czasem z niskim jękiem. Pomimo wielkich jej bólów, nie chciała opuścić codziennego pójścia do El Palmar, ani Nocnej Adoracji; tylko kiedy przełożona nakazała pozostać jej w domu. Wiele razy, w ostatnich miesiącach jej życia, kiedy przybyła do Bazyliki El Palmar musiała siedzieć skulona od pasa w dół i tak pozostać ponad godzinę, z powodu strasznych bólów powodowanych podróżą w furgonetce. Nie chciała pastylek przeciw bólom, gdyż mówiła, że Bóg potrzebował nasze cierpienia na zbawienie dusz. Jej ostatni tydzień na ziemi przeżyła w wielkim cierpieniu, jako że nie mogła pomóc sobie samej, co było dla niej wielkim upokorzeniem. W sobotę 5 lutego 1994 rano, Święta Maria Petra czuła się bardzo źle. Prosiła o Ostatnie Sakramenty, których udzielono jej natychmiast. Wieczorem pogorszyło się i zakonnice modliły się z nią. Pomimo jej wielkich bólów i cierpień nie przestała odmawiać aktów strzelistych. Zmarła dnia 6 lutego 1994 w konwencie zakonnic Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy w Sewilli. Była pochowana następnego dnia w krypcie Bazyliki Katedralnej Naszej Pani w El Palmar Koronowanej. Kanonizowana przez Papieża Świętego Grzegorza XVII Największego dnia 2 marca 1994.
Saint Mary Teresa of the Holy Face and of the Miraculous Medal
Marian Apostle. Religiosa of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face in Company of Jesus and Mary. Cofoundress. Matriarch. Doctress. Protectress of the Holy Palmarian See.
In the world, Frances Bernarda O’Malley, she was born in Dublin, Ireland, on the 11th of February 1938, and baptized a few days later. Her father was Christopher Robert O’Malley, and her mother Frances née Gill, she canonized by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great. She was the eighth of the nine children born to the marriage. Her mother was deeply pious and instilled the obligations of the Catholic Faith in all her children. Saint Mary Teresa made good use of her mother’s sound teachings, so that she was pious from childhood. Her father was a colonel in the Irish army and head of the army encampment in Gormanstown, Drogheda. Having experienced some setbacks in life, he died on the 17th of February 1947, when his daughter was nine years of age. The family was left in dire poverty. The virtuous example of her mother finding herself alone and with very little means to keep the family going greatly contributed to her daughter’s character formation.
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Saint Mary Teresa did her primary and secondary schooling in the Nuns’ of Loreto (Irish Mothers) school, in the town of Bray, County Wicklow, where she had moved with the family in the year 1941. There she received a solid religious formation. As a young girl, given her excellent conduct, the teachers considered her worthy to be admitted as a Child of Mary; which took place on the feast of the Immaculate Conception, when she consecrated herself with great joy and with all her being to the Most Holy Virgin Mary. When fifteen years old, she became a member of the Legion of Mary, and took part with great interest and zeal in all their meetings and Catholic action activities. This association and that of the Daughters of Mary impressed upon her soul the deep Marian devotion she professed all her life. At eighteen years of age, once her schooling was over, Saint Mary Teresa found a job working in a Dublin bank. In the year 1959, she offered herself to the Legion of Mary, and was sent to Germany with another young woman to work in a factory and counteract communism and atheism among workers and spread devotion to the Most Holy Virgin Mary. After staying there for some time, she fell ill with tuberculosis of the kidney and had to stay in hospital for over a year. When she recovered her health, she again presented herself in the Legion of Mary’s central office for the apostolate abroad. This time they sent her to Sweden, a country well known for its moral corruption. In Stockholm, in order to have more economic means, she worked in the Irish Embassy. After a short while she left the work as it exposed her soul to certain dangers. Saint Mary Teresa gave herself up fully to the apostolate, living from what people gave her and very frequently doing without. She founded many Legion of Mary centres all over Sweden. There she met a Priest who later became a Bishop of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, today Saint Fulgentius Mary of the Holy Face, who made Saint Mary Teresa’s work much easier. She was a very efficacious instrument in saving the vocations of many Priests deeply endangered by the dreadful reigning immorality. On the 6th of April 1967, when the Saint was still in Sweden, her mother died. In the year 1972, she had to leave her Swedish apostolate as the Bishop, then progressivist, ordered her to remove 'Mary’ from the Legion’s name; to the point that, if she did not comply, she would have to close the centres she had in Sweden. She said that she would never consent to removing the name of her Blessed Heavenly Mother from the association, so that she was forced to withdraw. She returned to Ireland and reported the event to the Founder, who approved of her action, and said that such an outrage to the Mother of God could never be permitted. Shortly afterwards, Saint Mary Teresa went to England, did social studies and found a post in a catholic reformatory for delinquent and prostitute girls, where she worked with great fruit, and succeeded in completely reforming some of them. In the year 1975, she learnt of the Apparitions of the Most Holy Virgin Mary in El Palmar de Troya, Seville, Spain, through Saint Fulgentius Mary, who was in a London parish. He went to El Palmar de Troya for the Holy Week pilgrimage that year, and then stayed on in the Sacred Place. Saint Fulgentius Mary wrote to Saint Mary Teresa, telling her that the Virgin Mary and holy tradition were in El Palmar, that she should leave all and respond to the calling of the Heavenly Mother. After receiving the letter, she gave up her job, gave away all her goods and went out to El Palmar. She was a very well-educated person, above all in religious matters, and could speak Spanish, German and Swedish, besides English. Saint Mary Teresa arrived at the Sacred Place of El Palmar de Troya in the month of July in the year 1975 to stay. She lived in the Pilgrim House as a faithful until the foundation of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, on the 23rd of December 1975, being one of the first to offer herself for the new Religious Order to the Father Founder and General, today Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, and entered as a Religiosa on the day of the foundation. Following the expulsion of the first Mother General by the Father Founder, he appointed Saint Mary Teresa as the person principally responsible for the Nuns’ community. On the 6th of April in the year 1976, the Father Founder and General of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, then Bishop Primate Father Clemente Domínguez y Gómez, today Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, found himself obliged to leave Spain so as to avoid prison. He was accompanied by seventeen Bishops, eight Priests and two lay Brothers. All was owing to pressure from the Utrera examining magistrate prompted by the apostate Seville cardinal, José María Bueno Monreal. Thanks to the valiant and loyal conduct of Saint Mary Teresa, a possible division, fomented by a Palmarian bishop who later apostatized, was avoided in the Religiosas’ community of the Carmelites of the Holy Face. The Father Founder and General, with his Religiosos, came back to Seville from exile on the 28th of April 1976. On the 29th of September 1976, the Father Founder and General of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, appointed Saint Mary Teresa Superioress of the Nuns. On the 17th of July 1978, when he was in Santa Fe de Bogotá, capital of Colombia, he summoned Saint Mary Teresa to travel out there at once with another Religiosa to found a convent of Nuns. On the 2nd of August that same year, the then Bishop Primate, today Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, was confined for two and a half hours with all the other Bishops who accompanied him in the police department (D.A.S.) jail in Santa Fe de Bogotá. She and the other Nun who had come with her from Spain, were in the same jail, though in a different cell from that of the Bishops. This detention was the consequence of the condemnation against them all made by the cardinal of Bogotá, published in the press. On the 6th of August 1978, still in Santa Fe de Bogotá, when Pope Saint Paul VI died, that same day Our Lord Jesus Christ, accompanied by Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul, conferred the Sacrament of the Papacy and crowned the then Bishop Ferdinand, who then became Pope, successor to Saint Paul VI, with the name of Gregory XVII. Saint Mary Teresa was present at that event, so great for the Catholic Church. That same day, in one of the messages given to the Palmarian Supreme Pontiff, the exalted Reformatrix of Carmel, Saint Teresa of Jesus, named her Cofoundress, together with the Founder and Father General, of the feminine branch of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face. Three days later, on the 9th of August, Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great and the other religiosos arrived back in Seville from Santa Fe de Bogotá. On the 23rd of November 1979, Saint Mary Teresa professed her perpetual vows. She always lived entirely given up to God’s will, and constantly prayed to know what God wanted of her, and once she knew did not rest until carrying it out. She had an extraordinary love for our Lord God, for the Most Holy Virgin Mary, for Most Holy Joseph and for Saint Teresa of Jesus. All her letters of spiritual direction to her daughters are full of the divine love which engulfed her. Her devotion to the Child Jesus was very tender. She did much to promote this devotion among her daughter Religiosas. She felt great love and veneration for Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great. She understood how he suffered seeing the vast majority of mankind living with their backs to God. She would willingly have given her life for the Holy Father. In one entry in her diary, she asks God for martyrdom. Her capacity for forgiveness and forgetfulness of injuries was very great; afterwards she treated the person who had offended her as though nothing had been done against her. She was very detached from everything material and only kept for herself the most necessary things for her personal use. Every gift she received was at once given away. Saint Mary Teresa was very charitable to the poor. She helped several families with food, and never passed a poor person by in the street without giving an alms, and at times a few words of comfort, always accompanied by a smile. She was always dearly loved inside and outside the community. When no longer able to go out into the town owing to intensification of the illness which caused her death, many, especially the poor, asked for her. She had great love and patience for all her daughters in religion, above all with the most difficult, though she also punished when necessary. In the first years of the religious Order, she herself took charge of instructing the younger Nuns and did not cease until they were well on the right road. She was very thoughtful in her dealings, and inspired respect and trust at the same time. Her care and consideration for the sick and dying were so great that she herself watched beside them day and night until they gave up their souls to God. Saint Mary Teresa had many joys in her life, but for the greater part of her life followed along the way of bitter sorrow owing to the many sufferings and trials she had to bear, above all in the last years of her life, on account of her last illness, that of Alzheimer’s, of which symptoms began to appear in 1988, though without becoming evident until 1994. Two years later this illness was confirmed by three specialists, and Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great felt himself obliged to relieve her of the post of Mother General, she no longer being capable of running a community of Nuns, though she still kept the title of Cofoundress. Her mental and physical faculties became progressively worse. In Holy Week of the year 1998 she attended worship in the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar. Shortly afterwards she was unable to make the journey to El Palmar any more; nor did she recognize people, except for a few moments of clarity every now and then. As from the 23rd of December 1998, she never again rose from her bed. Her members became increasingly more arched and rigid. As finally she was unable to receive Holy Communion, she was given the Sacrament of Holy Extreme Unction daily. Saint Mary Teresa, at sixty-one years of age, died in holiness in Seville at 6 o’clock in the morning of the 14th of June 1999, in the Mother House of the Nuns. Two days later she was buried in the crypt of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar. Canonized by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great on the 27th of June 1999. Declared Doctress of the Church by the same Pope on the 30th of June 1999.
Saint Matthew Mary of the holy Face and of the Immaculate Virgin Mary
Marian Apostle, Bishop. Religioso of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face in Company of Jesus and Mary.
In the world, Ralph Horace Paul Capitanelli Colombo, he was born in the city of Santa Fe, Argentina, on the 15th of October 1926. His parents were Luis Capitanelli, Italian, and Isidora Petrona Colombo, Argentinian. Three children were born to their marriage. The father died when Saint Matthew was five years of age, and his mother took charge of the two surviving children, she being a domestic science teacher.
Saint Matthew Mary received his primary education first in the state school, then in the school of Calvario, and finally in that of La Salle. He entered the seminary on the 12th of March 1938, at eleven years of age, where he completed his primary schooling and did his secondary schooling, as well as philosophy and Theology.
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He was ordained Priest on the 20th of November 1949, in Guadalupe, Santa Fe. He was at once appointed curate in the parish of Our Lady of the Pillar, and after six months was named Pro-secretary and Vice-chancellor of the Ecclesiastical Curia of Santa Fe; being named at the same time advisor to Catholic Action aspirants and professor at the city’s seminary. A short time later, he left his post in the Curia to dedicate himself wholly to his work as professor at the seminary and spiritual counsellor at the minor seminary. In his curriculum vitae, Saint Matthew says that divisions soon appeared among the clergy because of disagreements with the Curia and internal problems at the seminary, so that the archbishop of the diocese, considering that the then Father Capitanelli, today Saint Matthew Mary, was one of the principal diehards, appointed him Parish Priest of Felicia, a small town in the interior, with eight hundred and seventy inhabitants, of whom thirty percent belonged to different protestant sects, “so that he stop making trouble”, and “so that he have a change of ideas”, in the archbishop’s words. It was a difficult town, which had been in the hands of not very edifying parish priests. As the parish did not have an income sufficient to maintain the Priest, the situation there was very difficult for him. He was able to continue thanks to the help of his mother, who lived with him until she passed away in the year 1966. In spite of all, he worked resolutely to raise a church and a school. Saint Matthew Mary suffered greatly during his time as Parish Priest of Felicia, as great calumnies were raised against him, and he was the object of incredible persecutions by the roman church hierarchy, given Saint Matthew’s tenacity in defence of the Church’s Holy Tradition and of the apparitions of the Virgin, above all those of El Palmar de Troya, Seville, Spain, and in preaching against the reforms imposed by the ruinous Vatican II conciliabulum. Amid this series of contrarieties, news reached him of the raising to the Pontifical Throne of Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, and with great valour Saint Matthew Mary publicly declared to all the faithful of his parish that the See of the Church had been translated from Rome to El Palmar de Troya, since Gregory XVII was the true Pope and Vicar of Our Lord Jesus Christ. On learning of this, the archbishop of the diocese, furious at Saint Matthew’s posture, at once dictated a decree of suspension and removal from his functions as Parish Priest of Felicia. However, as he refused to leave the parish, the archbishop resorted to the police, and with their help forced him out. Nonetheless, Saint Matthew Mary continued to hold worship on his own property; but the archbishop succeeded in having the Ministry of Worship forbid this. Nor was the Saint daunted on this account, since in the School that he still held and ran, he continued to preach in favour of Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, until the roman archbishop succeeded in having the government decree an intervention in the school and the police ejected him. Owing to the alarming threats he received, Saint Matthew sought refuge in Brazil for one and a half years, with the intention, besides, of travelling to El Palmar de Troya; which he was unable to do on being refused the necessary requirements by the Argentinian authorities. On the 23rd of September 1978, Saint Matthew Mary entered as a Religioso in the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face; though he stayed on in Santa María de los Buenos Aires, Argentina, exercising his priestly ministry under the authority of Palmarian Missionary Bishop Saint Henoch Mary. On the 17th of April 1982, Saint Matthew Mary took his religious vows and was consecrated Bishop in the Chapel of the Mother House in Seville by Bishop Saint Leander Mary. On the occasion of the transfer of Bishop Saint Henoch Mary, Missionary of Argentina, to the Holy Apostolic See in September 1983, Saint Matthew Mary substituted him in that post, and from then on and until his death, he ruled the dioceses of Argentina, Uruguay and Chile. Saint Matthew Mary, in spite of his poor health, carried out his mission with generous self-sacrifice and noble spirit. He was decided and untiring in his pastoral labour, embracing everything and taking good care of the different Chapels spread over his far-flung territory. His open and congenial character drew not a few to the knowledge of the truth. His zeal for the propagation of the Palmarian Faith distinguished him as a great apostle. He was dearly loved by all the faithful of his different dioceses, whom he visited in his constant journeys, often with risk to his own life, as his health was ever more precarious given his serious heart illness. On one of his countless journeys, he died suddenly in Felicia, Santa Fe, on the 28th of July 1989. He was buried in Buenos Aires in 'La Chacarita’ cemetery on the 31st of July 1989, and translated to the Crypt of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar on the 17th of September 1990. A deep sense of loss was felt by the Palmarian faithful of Argentina at the unexpected death of their beloved shepherd, whose unconditional devotion and heroic sacrifice they will never forget. Canonized by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great on the 31st of August 1989.
Święty Matusalen Maria od Świętej Twarzy i Świętego Józefa
Apostoł Mariański. Biskup. Religijny Zakonu Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy w Towarzystwie Jezusa i Marii.
Zwany w świecie Ramón Puigcercós Tordelespart,urodził się dnia 30 maja 1898, w Borreda-Barcelona, Hiszpania. Jego rodzice nazywali się Józef i Rosalia. Jego matka miała dużo trudności w rodzeniu swych dzieci, i lekarz doradził jej nie mieć więcej dzieci, gdyż zagrażało to jej życiu. Ona, jako bardzo wierna Katoliczka, nie posłuchała tak nędznej propozycji, począc wkrótce potem, który był Świętym Matusalen Maria. Krótko przed jego urodzeniem, ona prosiła Boga, że jeśli to nowe dziecko będzie chłopcem, przyjmie go do życia kapłańskiego. Święty Matusalen Maria został sierotą ze swego ojca w dzieciństwie. Łaskę powołania kapłańskiego otrzymał w jednym z ćwiczeń duchowych, czytając proroctwa Świętego Wincentego Ferrer, które dała mu jego matka. Po swych studiach w seminarium był wyświęcony Kapłanem w Vich-Barcelona, Hiszpania, dnia 1 lipca 1923.
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Podczas Chwalebnej Świętej Krucjaty Wojny Domowej Hiszpańskiej, był bardzo prześladowany przez różne komitety anarchistów. Lecz za szczególną opieką Najświętszej Dziewicy Marii, mógł przekroczyć granicę i schronić się we Francji, gdzie wykonywał Probostwo w Salles-sous- Bois, Biskupstwa Valence, przez ponad rok. Po skończeniu wojny, wrócił do Hiszpanii, rządząc przez dziewięć lat parafią Świętego Andrzeja de Mayans-Barcelona. Wielkie trudności były do pokonania na przyciągnięcie do Kościoła wielu ze swych parafian, przez opór wśród nich z powodu wojny. Ale on, zawsze niezmordowany, powiedział im: „Skoro nie przychodzicie do mnie, ja przychodzę do was, ponieważ ja nie mogę zbawić tylko siebie samego. Jestem waszym proboszczem”. Tak z nimi stale rozmawiał i cierpliwie czekał na nich w Kościele, zapraszając ich, oprócz tego współpracując w jego urządzeniu, prawie zrujnowanym, gdyż był używany na koszary podczas wojny. Krok za krokiem, parafianie reagowali, odpowiadali na wezwania swego pasterza, okazując swoje wielkie zadowolenie. Święty Matusalen Maria, o silnym charakterze, żywym temperamencie, inteligentny, mówca, z wielkim darem współżycia, był przede wszystkim Kapłanem o wielkiej wierze w Boską Opatrzność. Kiedy Biskup składał wizytę pasterską w parafii, był zdumiony widokiem prac restauracyjnych, które Święty Matusalem Maria uczynił w Kościele, przeto gratulował mu i nakazał zrobić fotografię, aby posłać wtedy Wodzowi Hiszpanii Świętemu Franciszkowi Franco. Święty Matusalen Maria miał tawsze jako motto mówienie, że trzeba zająć się najpierw urządzeniem Domu Boga przed domem rektora. Potem, Święty Matusalen Maria przeszedł ponownie do urządzenia parafii Świętego Feliu de Saserra-Gerona, gdzie był przed laty proboszczem. Jego największą pracą była ta duchowa. Było wielu, którzy prosili go ustawicznie o radę i zachętę, i miał zawsze konfesjonał pełen penitentów. Większa część ludzi tak kochała Świętego Matusalen Maria, że kiedy opuszczał parafię wszyscy płakali. Potem Biskup uważał za stosowne wyznaczyć Świętego Matusalen Maria do klasztoru Świętej Marii de Ripoli-Gerona, gdzie była wspólnota Kapłanów, aby tam zajmował stanowisko Rektora, pozostając tam około dziesięć lat. Po wielkiej pracy, odszedł już blisko roku 1970, w którym cierpiał poważną chorobę serca. Święty Matusalen Maria poznał El Palmar de Troya, w pierwszych latach dekady 1970, którego czytając posłania, natychmiast akceptował, oddając się odtąd propagowaniem tego Dzieła Boga, i dając o tym świadectwo z odwagą i wytrwale. Oczywistym tego dowodem jest następujący list z 11 lutego 1980 napisany do rzymskiego biskupa z Vich: „Ekscelencja Sr D. Ramon Masnou Boixeda, biskup Vich. Bardzo ceniony w Panu: Obecnie informuję o rezolucji, którą podjąłem w dniu powyższej daty, w której wstąpiłem do Zakonu Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy w El Palmar de Troya, rozumiejąc i wierząc mocno, że tam znajduje się prawdziwy Kościół. Będę nadal modlić się w intencji Ekscelencji, jak czyniłem to dotąd. Łączę pozdrowienia z wysokim szacunkiem, Ramón Puigcercós Tordelespart .” Papież Święty Grzegorz XVII Największy, uważał za stosowne, aby Święty Matusalen Maria żył w Barcelonie przez kilka lat, z powodu jego delikatnego zdrowia. W tym czasie był Kapelanem grupy wiernych Palmariańskich w tym mieście pod autorytetem Biskupa Misjonarza Palmariańskiego. Pod koniec roku 1984, Ojciec Święty nakazałmu zamieszkać jako religijny w konwencie w Sewilli, co Święty Matusalen Maria wykonał natychmiast i z entuzjazmem, wstępując do Wspólnoty Karmelitów Świętej Twarzy dnia 27 grudnia 1984, dacie, w której był konsekrowany Biskupem po złożeniu ślubów wieczystych. Podczas jego krótkiego pobytu we Wspólnocie w Sewilli, był bardzo chory, akceptując z wielką miłością swe cierpienia. W jego długiej i bolesnej agonii, zawsze z Świętym Różańcem w rękach, słyszano ustawiczne recytowanie, jak i wezwania Świętej Twarzy, Naszej Matki w El Palmar Koronowanej, Najświętszego Józefa, którego był bardo czcicielem i recytującego wiele innych aktów strzelistych aż do momentu, w którym oddał swoją duszę Bogu z wielkim spokojem. Święty Matusalen Maria zmarł święcie w Domu Generalnym Zakonników w Sewilli dnia 28 stycznia 1985. Był pochowany następnego dnia na cmentarzu w Sewilli, Hiszpania dnia 29 stycznia 1985, i przeniesiony do krypty Bazyliki Katedralnej Naszej Matki w El Palmar Koronowanej dnia 1 czerwca 1989. Kanonizowany przez Papież Świętego Grzegorza XVII Największego dnia 20 lutego 1986.
Saint Peter Martin Ngô-dinh Thuc
Bishop. Doctor. Abducted by the Vatican judaeo-masonic grand lodge. Ordaining and Consecrating Bishop of Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great and Pope Saint Peter II the Great.
Born in Hue, Vietnam, on the 6th of October 1897, ten days after Pope Saint Paul VI.
In 1930, in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh founded the Indochinese communist party, the basis of the Vietminh revolutionary front, founded in the year 1941. Following Japanese occupation in World War II (1941-45), Ho Chi Minh proclaimed the independence of the capital Hanoi on the 2nd of September 1945, but this was not recognized by France, and led to the Indochina War. The French were definitively defeated in Dien Bien Phu in the year 1954, and withdrew from Vietnam. Two independent Vietnamese states were then formed: to the north, the democratic republic of Vietnam under a communist regime; and to the south, the republic of Vietnam with a free regime. A brother of Saint Peter Martin Ngô-dinh Thuc, called Ngô-dinh Diem, was the first head of government, and one year later assumed the presidency of the nation, while another brother, Ngô-dinh Nu, was Prime Minister. These two brothers were moved by the ardent desire to turn Vietnam into a model Catholic State.
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In the country, besides interior conflicts with the Buddhist sectarians, there were continuous batches of communist troops sent by the Vietcong, namely the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam. At the non-fulfilment of the Geneva agreements, which guaranteed territorial unification by means of elections, in the south a rebellion broke out promoted by communism and with the backing of the United States. President Ngô-dinh Diem and his brother Prime Minister Ngô-dinh Nu were assassinated a few hours after they had confessed and communicated in a Saigon Catholic Church. Saint Peter Martin Ngô-dinh Thuc was Archbishop of Hue, Primate of Vietnam. About thirty relatives of his were murdered by the communists. The Archbishop took refuge in Rome, Italy, but in the Vatican he only encountered progressivists, freemasons and communists. It was Saint Francis of Paola who obtained the Grace from the Most Holy Virgin Mary that El Palmar de Troya might enjoy the presence of the saintly Bishop Peter Martin Ngô-dinh Thuc, who was brought by a Swiss Priest acquaintance of his. Saint Peter Martin Ngô-dinh Thuc, titular Archbishop of Bulla Reggia, previously of Hue, Vietnam, reached El Palmar de Troya, Seville, Spain, on the 24th of December in the year 1975. On the following day, the 25th of December, Feast of the Nativity, he celebrated Holy Mass in the “Lentisco”. After Mass the Most Holy Virgin Mary appeared to the seer Clemente Domínguez, today Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, and gave him a message for Saint Peter Martin in which She told him of the urgent need for him to ordain and consecrate certain individuals. Saint Peter Martin asked for a sign of the truth of the message. The seer placed the Child Jesus in the Archbishop’s arms, and he felt the whole weight of the Divine Infant. On the night of New Year’s eve, at the start of the 1st of January 1976, in the Lentisco of El Palmar de Troya, Saint Peter Martin ordained the following Priests: Clemente Domínguez y Gómez, today Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great; Manuel Alonso Corral, today Pope Saint Peter II the Great; and three others. He then had to face up to the opposition of the prelates of the Roman Church, and very skilfully defended the lawfulness of what he had done, as he was a Doctor in Canon Law. Next he left on a journey to obtain the “Liber Pontificalis” with the rite of episcopal consecration, returning to El Palmar de Troya on the 10th of January. At night, in the Lentisco of El Palmar de Troya, at the start of the 11th of January 1976, festivity of the Sacred Family, and during the course of the Nocturnal Adoration, the holy Archbishop consecrated the following Bishops: Father Clemente Domínguez y Gómez, Father Manuel Alonso Corral, Father Camilo Estévez Puga, today Saint Leander Mary of the Holy Face, Father Francis Sandler, today Saint Fulgentius Mary of the Holy Face, and another Priest. Saint Peter Martin Ngô-dinh Thuc drew up an official document in Latin dated the 12th of January 1976, signed and sealed, to record and give due effect to the Ordinations, as also to the Episcopal Consecrations. He decided to stay in the Order, but having gone to Rome to settle his affairs and fetch his belongings, the Church’s enemies prevented his return. On the 17th of January 1976, Monsignor Ngô-dinh Thuc, from Rome, Italy, sent a letter to El Palmar de Troya in which he stated the following: “My conduct was based on the certainty that this consecration had been willed and decreed by Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Virgin Mary, and had the consent of the Holy Father; all this revealed in an ecstasy to Father Clemente. I returned to Rome on the 13th of January 1976. On the 15th of January in the afternoon I received a summons from the Holy Office for the following day at 10 in the morning, 16th of January. The following day the Roman newspapers recounted the press conference given by professor Alessandri, in which he said that I have incurred sanctions from the Holy See for having ordained Bishops without the Holy Father’s mandate. I am at peace with my conscience, as I have done everything with the conviction that I obeyed Our Lord, the Most Holy Virgin Mary and the Holy Father. Given in Rome on this Saturday the 17th of January 1976. Postscript: It is quite possible that they will not allow me to enter Spain again. At present I am forbidden to leave Rome. If I cannot return to Spain, I will write to you.” He was a man of prayer and celebrated the traditional Holy Mass. In El Palmar de Troya he bore the Most Holy Sacrament in the Eucharistic Procession. He was a great lover of Holy Tradition, who suffered deeply seeing the ravages in the Church in Doctrine, Liturgy and Christian Morals, and he acknowledged that the destruction of the Church was directed by enemies in disguise. He died on the 13th of December 1984. Canonized and declared Doctor of the Church by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great on the 15th of March 1998.
Saint Raphael Mary of the Holy Face and of Mary Auxiliatrix
Marian Apostle. Bishop. Religioso of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face in Company of Jesus and Mary. Doctor. Apostle of the Holy Sacrifice of Mass.
Called Andrew Dombrovsky in the world, son of Joseph Dombrovsky and his wife Matilda Roll, he was born in Mirasol, La Pampa, Argentina, on the 12th of April 1915, as his parents had told him; but the official documents record his date of birth as the 8th of May 1915, since his parents lived in the country, very far from town, and until this latter date were unable to go and inscribe him in the register. His parents, firm believers and pious Catholics, had always hoped that God might grant a priestly vocation to some of their sons; his mother, therefore, at the beginning of school year 1928, took him to the Salesian school of Mary Immaculate, located in the town of General Acha. He was at this school for the years 1928, 1929 and 1930. On the 31st of December in this last year, the Father Superior of this school took him, along with two other aspirants, to a place called Bernal. From 1931 to 1934 he lived in the Bernal school for religious and priestly formation, Latin studies and his first year of teacher-training. In the year 1935, he did his noviciate in a separate part of the same school, and in the year 1938 qualified as a primary schoolteacher, and finished his studies of philosophy as well. The three following years, now a cleric, he practised as a teacher at Pio IX school in Santa Maria de los Buenos Aires.
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In the year 1975 Saint Raphael Mary was assigned to the school of Saint Francis de Sales in Santa Maria de los Buenos Aires, in charge of worship in the church. While there, he learned of the Apparitions of the Most Holy Virgin Mary in El Palmar de Troya, Seville, Spain, through a magazine edited periodically by a Marian Apostolate group, a great propagator of the different apparitions. At that time in Santa Maria de los Buenos Aires there were already a good number of followers of El Palmar. The members of the Marian Apostolate group frequently gathered to say the Holy Rosary in public in the city. Saint Raphael, then, came to know of the visions and messages of the then Clemente Domínguez y Gómez, today Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great. Already announced in some of those messages was the future election of the seer Clemente as Vicar of Christ, successor to Saint Paul VI. By that time, progressivism and moral corruption were lashing out savagely in their irrevocable purpose of demolishing Holy Mother Church. Laxity in church discipline had put an end to the good spirit in parishes, and to observance of the rule in religious houses. Heresies were being propagated from the pulpits. Those priests and religiosos who wanted to stay firm in the true faith and discipline were persecuted, set aside and dismissed from their posts. Priests faithful to Holy Tradition found themselves obliged to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of Mass privately, as they did not accept the “novus ordo missæ” or lutheran supper, despotically imposed by the roman hierarchs. This, too, was the case of Saint Raphael Mary, being one of the few Priests who kept faithful to Holy Tradition. He found himself compelled to clash with the progressivism of his own Salesian Order, in which he had lived from early youth, had been formed and which he loved intensely. He knew the prophecies of Saint John Bosco, founder of the Order, with respect to events of the Last Times: the general apostasy of the roman church; the continuation of the true Church of Christ in El Palmar; the difficult mission of the Vicar of Christ, whom he saw guiding the Barque of Peter amid a great tempest and between two columns: the Sacred Eucharist and the Most Holy Virgin. Saint Raphael Mary decided to enter the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face in January of the year 1976. As the year passed he corresponded with this Order, giving his personal details, and asking about the possibility of his joining. In his brief autobiography he textually says: “Through the pure goodness of God, of Mary Auxiliatrix and of Don Bosco, I received an affirmative reply.” His correspondence was with the then Bishop Father Isidore Mary, today Pope Saint Peter II the Great, who replied to his letters by order of the Founder of the Order, today Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great. Saint Raphael Mary, as can be seen in his personal notes, when he received the reply by post from Seville, read the letter in the presence of the Most Holy Sacrament and of a Statue of the Most Holy Virgin Mary in the chapel of his Salesian school in Santa Maria de los Buenos Aires. In his autobiographical notes, Saint Raphael Mary relates with some detail his firm decision to enter the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face. Before doing so, he first wished to make his decision very clear to his superiors in the Salesian Congregation, giving valiant testimony in favour of El Palmar. He refers thus: “In January of 1976, I took the very important and transcendent decision to leave the illustrious Salesian Congregation founded by Saint John Bosco, and join the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face. To this end, after having thought and prayed, and having spoken with the Director of the House, I presented myself to the Most Rev. Father Inspector; I expressed to him my desire that he assemble the Chapter of the House to communicate my decision to it, and he did so. I also asked him to assemble his Inspectoral Council, which took place in the school itself and in the same hall. That is to say, I did not disappear overnight, without notice, without first speaking, without those responsible for my person knowing of my resolve beforehand, namely: the Father Director of the House, the Most Rev. Father Inspector, the Chapter of the House, the Inspectoral Council; requesting them at the same time, with all insistence, that only they and no one else know until I had gone. I say this so that others who were not aware of my decision, may not give a different story; this did not occur in one or other case, of those who said that I had left without telling anyone, as stated in letters I have received. Consequently in this document I am leaving precise and clear evidence of the names of those I personally informed in good time of my resolve.” Saint Raphael Mary joined the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face on the 29th of November 1976. He describes this as follows: “On the 28th of November 1976, I left by air with destination Seville from Ezeiza (Santa Maria de los Buenos Aires’ International Airport). I arrived at Redes 11 while the community was at the midday meal, and was given a place at table. When the meal ended, all the superiors came up to my place. I still remember those beside me at table. On the 30th of November 1976, my Saint’s day (Andrew), I was consecrated Bishop with great emotion by Most Exc. Monsignor Isidore Mary, in the chapel (expressed thus in his diary). From 1976 on, whatever God, the Virgin and my lawful superiors may decide for me.” Some days after joining the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, Saint Raphael Mary (previously Father Andrew Dombrovsky), received the following resolution taken by the Salesian Congregation of Santa Maria de los Buenos Aires: “The Priest George Casanova, Provincial Superior General of the Salesian Inspectorate of Saint Francis de Sales, of Santa Maria de los Buenos Aires, dated the 29th of November 1976, assembled the Inspectoral Council in the Inspector’s Headquarters, and in the presence of his six Counsellors, stated the following: that the Salesian Priest Andrew Dombrovsky had inscribed himself in the schismatic movement of El Palmar de Troya (Spain), and left for that place without permission and against his explicit order, yesterday the 28th of November 1976. In consequence we, the members of the Inspectoral Council, declare that the Salesian Priest of perpetual profession, Don Andrew Dombrovsky, has incurred in the offence envisaged in canon 646, paragraph 1 Nº1, and in agreement with this canon, he is dismissed ipso facto from the Salesian Congregation. Buenos Aires, on the 29th of the month of November 1976.” The document is signed by George Casanova, the counsellors Lezcano, Grehan, Maldonado, Gutiérrez, Astorga, Estupiñán, and inspectoral secretary Meroni. Following his entry into the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, Saint Raphael Mary quickly adapted to the life of the Order, until becoming fully identified with its spirit. This was easier for him owing to his generous spirit ever to serve the Lord and His Most Holy Mother wherever They should wish. So, despite the many years he had lived in his former religious congregation, with heroic decision he left to join the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, where he was sure of being able to continue the true religious life to which he had been called in his youth; and above all to continue within the True Church, that founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ, today the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian. Saint Raphael Mary felt great love for Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, whom he respected and obeyed with entire fidelity. He took his perpetual vows in the Order on the 24th of October 1979. For several years, while his health permitted, Saint Raphael Mary held senior posts in the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, which he came to love intensely, living committed to her without the least reserve; and felt very happy in the Order. Furthermore, he soon won the affection of the other religious. He was good-natured and had a strong character. Though with certain defects, unavoidable in this world, he gave a great example of virtue and fulfilment of the Holy Rules. He lived completely given up to the service of the Church and the Order. He was a person of much prayer. As he had the privilege of celebrating many Masses, he was frequently to be seen at the altar, sometimes for hours at a time, celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of Mass. During the Holy Palmarian Council reunions, he put the maximum interest into its successful doctrinal progress. Saint Raphael kept up untiring activity while his health so permitted. Throughout the year prior to his death, he had to live chiefly in his cell, as his reduced physical strength allowed him no more. He was looked after with the greatest affection by the Religiosos, and he never lacked Holy Masses, daily celebrated by another Bishop, and Holy Communion. From the beginning of July 1994, his health deteriorated so much that all could see the proximity of his death. He received Holy Extreme Unction several times. During the entire day of the 12th of July, he was at death’s door. For the three hours preceding his death, Father Isidore Mary, now Pope Saint Peter II the Great, and other Religiosos were at his bedside, continually reciting invocations and other prayers. He had three hours of great suffering, owing to high fever and great difficulty in breathing. Shortly before he died, Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great went to his cell to impart the Apostolic Blessing to him. Saint Raphael Mary died a holy death on the 13th of July 1994, in the monastery of the Papal House in Seville. Immediately after death, Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great again went to his cell to bless him. The cadaver was laid out in the Chapel, where turns of Holy Masses were celebrated with Penitential Rosaries until his funeral. On the 14th of July he was interred in the Crypt of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar. The funeral was attended by many faithful from different parts of the world, already in El Palmar for the Pilgrimage of the 16th of July, Festivity of Carmel. Canonized by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great on the 12th of October 1994. Declared Doctor of the Church by the same Pope on the 6th of March 1999.
Saint Sebastian Mary of the Holy Face and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Marian Apostle. Bishop. Religioso of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face in Company of Jesus and Mary. Doctor. Protector of the Holy Palmarian See.
In the world, Emil George Wessolly, he was born in Gleiwitz, Silesia, Poland, on the 22nd of December 1907. His parents were Valentine Wessolly and Ana née Ogrodnik, and he was the sixth of the ten children of the marriage. Given the lack of means in the family, none of the children could afford to do higher studies with the exception of Saint Sebastian, who by singular divine providence was chosen to embrace the Priesthood. He did his primary schooling in the Zerniki rural school close to his native town, later going on to Hindenburg school in the year 1921, where he stayed for two years, later continuing his schooling for one year in the Franciscans’ school in Neisse.
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Unsure of being admitted the following year, he decided to enrol as an aspirant for the Brazil missions, availing himself of the opportunity of a school opened in Belgium by Franciscan Fathers from another province who were looking for vocations. He had to bear with great difficulties and trials of every kind before he was finally admitted to the new missionary centre. For one and a half years he made preparations for his future mission in Brazil; and as he himself says in his diary, at the proximity of the journey to the new continent and at the fear this new undertaking inspired in him, he asked himself: “Will you be able to make this journey? Do you know what it is to live in a completely unknown land?” And he goes on to relate: “These and other thoughts flashed through my mind; but a voice within me answered: 'You will not be alone. Other Missionaries too accomplished what you desire. The cross which accompanies us is our victory’…” In the year 1927 Saint Sebastian left for Brazil via the German port of Hamburg. Once in Brazil, he spent two days in Rio de Janeiro, and then continued his journey southward disembarking in San Francisco, from where he went on by train to Rio Negro, Paraná State, Brazil, where the missionary school of Saint Louis was to be found. However, let us see what he says in his diary: “We who have just now stepped out into this immense land, as vast as the whole of Europe, if the inhabitants come to ask us 'Why have you come here to Brazil?’ I would answer frankly: 'Friends, I have not come to explore the country, but to help, to love God, to get to know you, to love Christ, to obey Holy Mother Church and the Pope, and to save souls in this land and my own soul.” Saint Sebastian Mary did his Franciscan noviciate in Rodeio, Santa Catarina; he studied philosophy in Curitiba, Paraná State; and did his Theology course in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, where he was ordained Priest on the 21st of December 1933. As from his ordination, he carried out an intense missionary labour in different localities in Brazil for more than forty years, till he abandoned the franciscan Order owing to the ruinous progressivism which led the roman church into apostasy. Since he kept up contact with followers of El Palmar, guided by the messages of the Apparitions of El Palmar de Troya, Seville, Spain, he had sufficient light to recognize the truth and transcendence of the mysteries enshrined in this Sacred Place. In one of his journeys to Germany and Switzerland to visit his family, he made contact with some Palmarian devotees, who helped him to take the decisive step, namely enter the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, which he did on arriving at the Mother House of the Order in Seville, Spain, on the 9th of September 1977. On the 24th of the same month and year, he was consecrated Bishop by the then Father Ferdinand, today Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, who shortly afterwards sent him out as missionary to the north of Spain, where he worked for some months, later coming to Seville to stay definitively. Saint Sebastian Mary took his perpetual vows on the 24th of October 1979. From the monastery he continued hard at work spreading El Palmar by way of continuous letters to different nations, especially to German and Portuguese speaking people. All his letters, replete with lofty spirituality, are a living testimony in defence of the true Church, the Palmarian, as likewise of the then Vicar of Christ, Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great; and are, moreover, an insistent calling to Palmarian faithful to persevere firm in the Faith; and to non-faithful to reflect and embrace El Palmar, the only way to salvation. He carried out very important work in spreading Palmarian publications, making a solid contribution to their translation into German and Portuguese. Saint Sebastian Mary always showed marked esteem for the grace of the religious vocation, pearl of incalculable value. He endeavoured to observe the Holy Rules with utmost perfection; and, besides, with painstaking zeal and tenacity strove to keep himself far from whatever might weaken his spiritual fervour. As he had exceptional qualities as a confessor and spiritual director, he was very much in demand in the Sacrament of Penance, in which he was able to combine gentleness and understanding with holy intransigence. All of this was the fruit of his continuous intimate dealings with God; not only by means of the daily celebration of many Masses, but as well by other prayers such as the Holy Penitential Rosary, Holy Viacrucis, as also his frequent visits to the Tabernacle, where he was wont to stay a long time. It would be endless to go on speaking of the great virtues of this holy Palmarian Bishop, great luminary of the Church and bastion of the Faith. Saint Sebastian Mary died a holy death at the age of seventy-eight years in the Mother House of the Friars in Seville on Tuesday the 29th of April 1986, following a brief illness and an agony overflowing with peace and tenderness. He was buried the following day in the cemetery of San Fernando in Seville, Spain. He was translated to the crypt of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar on the 30th of June 1989. Canonized by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great on the 2nd of March 1987. Declared Doctor of the Church by the same Pope on the 19th of January 2000.