Jego Świątobliwość Papież Piotr III
Jego Świątobliwość Papież Piotr III, De Glória Ecclésiæ (od 22-4-2016 do teraz)
Imię chrzestne Markus Josef Odermatt, później biskup, Ojciec Eliseus Maria. Urodził się w Stans w Nidwalden w Szwajcarii. Jego przodkiem jest św. Mikołaj z Flüe, pustelnik żyjący w XV wieku, czczony w Szwajcarii jako Ojciec Ojczyzny, którego jedynym pokarmem przez dwadzieścia lat była Komunia Święta; któremu udało się uwolnić swój kraj od katastrofalnej wojny domowej i który cudownie pomógł Szwajcarii pozostać poza I i II Wojną Światową. Flaga kantonu Nidwalden przedstawia papieski symbol kluczy do Królestwa Niebieskiego na cześć swojego patrona – świętego Piotra Apostoła. Biskup Eliseo Mary dołączył do Zakonu Karmelitów od Najświętszego Oblicza w 1985 r. i przez osiemnaście lat był misjonarzem w Ameryce Południowej. Był Sekretarzem Stanu przez prawie 5 lat, w latach 2011 – 2016. Papież Piotr III podtrzymał nowy Kalendarz Wielkiego Tygodnia Palmarian, który rozpoczyna się 20 marca, a kończy się obchodami Niedzieli Zmartwychwstania, 27 marca.; 25 marca Kościół Palmariański obchodzi Uroczystość Męki Pańskiej, niezależnie od dnia tygodnia. W świecie powszechnej apostazji, Jego Świątobliwość Papież Piotr III, jako Dobry Pasterz dusz, poprzez listy apostolskie odważnie broni moralności i głosi doktrynę sacrum walcząc w ten sposób z błędem i inną moralną degeneracją.
Apostolic Journeys of His Holiness Pope Peter III
Visit of His Holiness Pope Peter III in May 2018 to the United States
This visit of His Holiness Pope Peter III was to participate at a Eucharistic, Marian and Josephine Congress which was itself a great success, undertaken with great devotion and piety by the Palmarian faithful who were present. At this Congress His Holiness spoke to the faithful, among other matters, of the importance of spiritual reading, so necessary to reach holiness. He also spoke about the need for religious vocations.
For the first time in the history of the Catholic Church there was an altar prepared in honour of the souls of Limbo.
During the sacred processions with the images of the Most Holy Virgin Mary and Most Holy Joseph, the Holy Father, Peter III, made a stop in front of this altar and all those present prayed in benefit of these souls. Similarly, there was an altar prepared especially in honour of the Holy Souls of Purgatory and the corresponding prayers were recited there to alleviate the affliction of these suffering souls.
Photos of the Eucharistic, Marian and Josephine Congress in the United States
Visit of His Holiness Pope Peter III in August 2018 to the South of Germany
Brief Summary of the Sermon given by His Holiness Peter III in Germany in August 2018
In this sermon, the Holy Father talked about his sadness caused by, among other things, young people and the dangers of their apostasy. Apostasy is not something that happens overnight, but something that can take weeks or months.
In order to bring about apostasy the devil uses the three enemies of the soul: the world, the devil and the flesh. As a child grows up, there is always danger as the soul awakens to these three enemies, but they very often do not see them as enemies but as something new and beautiful which, until then, they did not know of or had not experienced. Young people should never lose their innocence and have to fight to keep their thoughts pure. Children have to trust their parents and tell them their difficulties because they can help given their experience. Parents have to show good example and promote a religious life at home. They have to find time for their children and shelter them from bad friendships. Parents have a great responsibility before God, but some don’t spend the necessary time with their children. They show bad example and are then sad when their children apostatise. A good father protects his children and teaches them the Christian faith. When a father does not do this, at his particular judgement he will have to give an account before God for the errors of his children. The faithful also have be trustful of the missionary. He is there to help them. The faithful have to open their soul to him. The most important thing is to live a religious life, to receive the sacraments with joy, to make sacrifices with love, to wear the Palmarian clothes with joy and to show the world the true faith. It is very important to read the publications given by the Church, people cannot forget this. The faithful should not only read these publications but also talk about them, especially to their children.